
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pool Party this Saturday!

Lilian is hosting a pool party for moms,friends and kids this coming Saturday at 11 am.
We will spend a few moments chit chatting about the amazing opportunity in Arbonne, then slather up the kids in ABC sunscreen and hit the water!

Bring your floaties!

You can rsvp by messaging me or Lilian!

To preview and get some details ahead of time, go to


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Natural Progesterone Hormone balancing seminar in June

In June I have two seminars , one on Arizona's West Coast in Bullhead City and the other in the Phoenix Valley.

The line that I work with has two cutting edge natural progesterone creams, one for women experiencing " power surges" and the other for women who still have a monthly friend come visit.

The cream has resulted in women who have had no success with infertility treatments, having babies!

The cream has changed the lives of women who are currently on Climera or another form of hormone patch..and it also changed the lives of the men who love them!

If the average 35 year old woman is completely devoid of her estrogen by this age and needs to replace it to stop excess weight gain, sleeplessness, lethagy and mood swings, plus a whole other mess of symptoms, why not comes listen a for a bit?

There is no obligation to buy, but product will be on hand, or you can order and have it shipped to you.

The seating is limited. Please rsvp, by phone at 480-283-5811 or by email at
makeupbycherelynn at yahoo dot com

Expect to spend about an hour with the woman who brought the technology to the company, several others who have lived to tell their testimony and me!

See you at the seminar!

The newsletter & samples

Okay, for some reason, the formatting is off...

So what I'm hearing and now seeing is that only half of the newsletter is there when you read it...sort of.

To get the whole thing or until I can get the formatting fixed on my Blogger page,
please visit
And click on the " add me to the newsletter" button that is towards the bottom of the page.

If you want samples of something that is posted in the blog, just use the main email on the home page and write to me directly.

Now here's the key to get the right sample for what you are looking for:
tell me about your skin, what the challenge is, what you use now, what you are looking for the product to do, and most importantly, tell me if you are asain, indian, african, hispanic,caucasian...these details help me select the right sample to send you and will save time in the delivery.

Thanks for supporting Makeup University! I totally appreciate you!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Why lipstick crawls from your lip to your nostril

Makeup University Inc
At Makeup University we take lipstick seriously


Red lipstick is hot! I love wearing it! If I don't prep for wearing it, inevitably, it goes north from my lip towards the nostril in a slow, steady pace, marring the whole idea of glamour.

So here's a short lesson on how to wear dramatic colored lips and have them stay put!
Love ya!
Your personal makeup coach,
Cherelynn Baker
After you have exfoliated and moisturized the lip area, apply a thin coat of concealer over the entire mouth. Blending it into the upper lip with your finger or brush.

Use a liner
I prefer a nude liner, or a "reversible liner" like Duwops. Make the stroke from the eye tooth (incisor) and draw up towards the bow of your lip. Repeat on the other side.

Fill with lipstick
A brush works best for precision and defining the mouth, but you can wipe it on anyway you like.

Yes, I use nude liner with red lipstick. And with any lipstick or lipbalm or gloss for that matter. I always finish my lips with a gloss unless I'm wearing a matte lipstick.

It seems like a lot: exfoliate, moisturize, concealer ( add a swipe of translucent powder if you are going to be sweating or doing a lot of kissing ) line, and fill.

The steps are worth it when you see a perfect red mouth. Kind of like what Gwen Stefani wears alot.

Enjoy the lesson and if you have any questions, call or email me directly.
Thanks for being a part of Makeup University!
Cherelynn ( I love lipgloss ) Baker
Makeup University
This is the fine print text where you might tell your customers how the item will be shipped and, for example, if they are overseas that there will be additional shipping charges and must contact you.
Save 25% off your perfect red mouth!

Offer Expires: May 31st, 2007

7 Summer Bummers and their fixes!

Makeup University Inc
Makeup University has answers to fix your summer melting makeup blues!
Newsletter Subtitle Month Year
In This Issue
Manage your mascara
Cellulite be gone!
New bikini, new bumps?
Pale is pretty, but a tan is hot!
Warehouse store sized bronzer
Smell beautiful and hydrate your skin
Stop sweating!
Featured Article
Do you plan on wearing some super cute open toed sling back or slip on heels?
Then make sure your " heels" are ready for public viewing.
The body duo does major hydration and skin firming.
Get some!
Call 480-283-5811
to order today!

Our Sponsor
Visit Our Sponsor
She's the go to gal for life changing information on natural hormone therapy...for the woman trying to conceive, the power surging menopausal or the monthly extreme cramps...there is a better way!
Call Cheryl today!

Quick Links...
Join Our Mailing List!

Dear Arizona summer beauties,

The desert is hot, brown, and there is plenty of it. No need to melt into a puddle and let beauty,style and confidence go with it!

Below I"ve got 7 summer bummers to beauty and some practical fixes for them. Enjoy!

Makeup meltdown and running down your cheeks?
masc 1. Try a water RESISTANT mascara. Waterproof breaks down the hair follicle and is really toxic. Resistant is less harsh on the eyes!
Use a thick dusting of translucent powder over your eyelid and lashes first, then apply mascara, and if your lower lashes curve into your under eye...don't put mascara on them, instead smudge eyeshadow for the depth and emphasis on your eyes.
Have jiggle or wiggle when you walk?
The proof is in! I've got real case study photos of this stuff working if you want to see...the short term result is smoother skin...the longer consistent use report is the cellulite appearance...gone!! fig8
Brazilian wax go bumpy?
thermalHow to take care of waxed or shaved bikini line bumps: exfoliate the skin first...and try using Thermal Fusion enzyme mask to pull off the dead layers of skin that can build up, clog pores, and turn into a big ugly red bump. Now shave, or go for the wax, now finish with Skin Conditioning oil. Bumps be gone!
Untanned skin got you down?
minerals babyOkay, we know better than to mix iodine and baby oil, grab our reynolds wrap covered cardboard sun shield and head for the lounge chair.
So how to we get our golden brown tan, in a hurry?

Self tanner! Tan in a can!
Remember to exfoliate the skin first, especially with a scrub paste, then moisturize the parts that have folds ( like toes, knees, wrists, knuckles and elbows) then spray on your vacation tan! Made in the Shade is a good golden brown color...on even the most porcelain of skin!
Need more bronze in your life?
minerals babyThis bronzer is a huge pallette of product! No shortage here! There is enough in here to do your face, body...where ever you want to bronze it up for the summer!

Remember to bronze the areas that would be most likely to sunburn...this helps keep it from looking fake or overdone.

Use a loose domed brush too!
Is your fragrance making trees wither?
In the summer, everything is intensified, even the scents that we put on.
Try something light, and layer it for staying power.
Ambitious is a new fyi scent and the purse atomizer is the perfect size for travel, the beach, or where ever the summer takes you!
Hot skin? Need to cool down fast and help stop the sweat?
Keep your skin toner in the refrigerator, get an extra if you need to! When you skin is really hot, and all the pores are open and sweaty to try and cool the body off, give your self a healthy misting of your facial toner.
It will bring the surface skin temperature down, pores will slow down sweat production, and you can blot your makeup back into place.

Make this summer your best ever! Enjoy the travel and fun times without the hassle of worrying about your makeup. I hope these tips help you out, especially with the Memorial Day weekend coming up and many of us heading to the beach, river or lake!
When you would like to order some of these helpful products, please call 480-283-5811 ( all orders ship ups) or email.
More details can be found at or

Cherelynn Baker
Makeup University Inc
Save 50% RSVP for summer bummer fixes! View the products at

Friday, May 18, 2007

Why Arbonne anyway?

So the short version of the story goes: I was hosting "Best of Beauty" the radio show, and doing alot of travel all while working as the makeup expert and trainer for a big botanical/natural product line...who just so happened to be launching a new skin product.

In a rush to catch a plane, I just grabbed a stack of Arbonne RE9 sample strips that had been sent to me, but I never used. While out of town that week, I used them and loved the results.

That weekend, while training at a major event for the product line I was repping, all the aestheticians, makeup artists and stylists kept commenting on my skin, and how good I looked and kept asking me if it was the new line?

I had to lie. That company was part of my paycheck at the I fibbed and said that it was, when in reality the big skin difference was from the RE9!!

After that weekend, I got in touch with the gal who gave me the samples, brought her on the radio for a show on the Arbonne difference. That show was our best ever, the president of Arbonne, Rita Davenport called in, the woman who brought the life changing natural progesterone technology to the company, Stasia Trivison called in, and about 100 other Arbonne'ettes!

This still didn't convince me. I went to a live presentation with President Rita Davenport. At that presentation, I saw two women receive promotions and keys to their new Mercedes, ( which is the company car) and I was flabbergasted that a 20 year old with no makeup training and a very pregnant with twins stay at home mom could surprass my income, doing less work!

From that moment on, I was hooked. I started my Arbonne business and have not looked back. I integrate it into my makeup studio and share the truth about botanicals and financial freedom with everyone who has skin.

That's why I went with Arbonne. The results driven products, the rewards, the ease of start up and the tremendous support!

Thanks for asking and enjoy the info!
If you want more details, visit

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Who gives a rip about chemcials anyway?

So what if toxic sludge goes on your 3 most important mucus membranes?
May 18, 2007
Hello friends,
Today's editorial starts with the continuation of a debate that started at a luncheon yesterday...and I quote the attendee " what's the big deal about chemicals anyway? Who gives a rip if it's toxic, as long as I look good, that's what matters!".
Because it's all connected and comes back like a boomerang!

waterNow the song is right when it sings " the circle of life", and multi legged frogs in our Nation's lakes prove that what goes in (or on ) goes through the body and out.

What we put on our skin goes in. There can be consequences, either good or bad.

The truth about mineral oil in your lotions is that it dehydrates the skin. No joke! So the stuff you put on it to make it moist actually makes it more dry. So guess what, you put more on. Now the bottle is empty and you need more, so you buy more. So you put more on and your skin gets more dry. We've been over this haven't we?

In advertising the best campaign ever ran that is still running is the word "repeat". To sell more shampoo, the advertising company put the words " lather, rinse, repeat". Instant doubling of sales.

Since cosmetics aren't regulated, there is nothing stopping companies from getting the cheapest ingredients and using them as they need.

Did you know that animals too toxic for human or animal consumption are sent to the rendering plant and made into "cosmetic grade" mineral oil base for products?

Put that on your eyelid!

The average woman eats 7.8 pounds of lipstick a year. That's a baby to give you refererance and that's where your lipstick goes when you put it on and then an hour later it's gone.

Flat cats off the Interstate and animals euthanized from the shelters end up at the rendering plant and in our foundation and lipstick.

Now, can you understand why I was riled up when someone flippantly makes the comment about what's the big deal about chemicals anyways?

Our three most important and open membranes, the eyes, the nose and the lips are all exposed daily to our face wash, lotions, anti-aging treatments, cosmetics, lip products. Our lymph nodes under our armpits are exposed to body soap, aluminum and silica filled anti-persperants.

Weird and unexplainable cancers are happening and it's my opinion because it's a daily routine to cover our skin with toxic chemcials, and then wash them down the drain and into our water supply.

If frogs wore shoes around the Great Lakes, there would be a need for an increase in supply.

Thanks for listening and informing yourself. If you have any questions, contact me through

Normally I write to you about a new product, new technique, cover favorite styles, but today it was just too important to have a coaching moment for your health.
Thanks for being a part of Makeup University and I'll talk to you on Monday.

Your personal makeup coach
Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker
Makeup University Inc

Save 50%
RSVP for pure safe beneficial products for the whole family! Free of flat cats and sick cows.
Offer Expires: May 31st 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bare minerals vs. Sheer Cover: battle of the television mineral makeups

Makeup University Inc
Makeup University water cooler chat...about the mineral makeups
Bronze is beautiful

Hello fellow makeup lover,
While everyone else is talking about the gas buy boycott, or LOST, let's take a moment and chit chat about the mineral makeup wars.

You. Me. We all have seen the late night infomercials of "miracle mineral makeup" and wanted to reach for the credit card and order.

Nevermind the fact that you haven't sampled the texture, slip, finish or hue of the product, you want a makeup miracle just like the rest of us!

Below are some details, I hope you enjoy.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Love ya!
Your personal makeup coach,

Bare minerals or sheer cover?
How about L'Oreal, Neutrogeana,and just about every other cosmetic company out there, now make a mineral makeup because of trend and consumer demand.

I've seen mineral makeup from name brand to name your own on ebay.

These products range any where from less than $10 bucks at the drugstore, to a montly commitment of replenishment supply at $59.99 after the initial "trial" starter kit of $29.99 is over...and you are hooked!

I have a few notes that may help you:

* most minerals go on a shade darker than they look
* they have great sunblock because they use powdered zinc oxide which is a barrier to the sun and a good thing
* it usually requires TWO shades to get your face right
* they can work as a concealer
* less is more
* blending in a circlular pattern improves wear on the skin
* when you want to freshen up...blot your skin alot before adding more powder and a translucent compact powder is better than adding more "mineral" foundation.

Phew! Now that all of that is said, enjoy your minerals. My minerals of choice is the Arbonne product because of their commitment to pure, safe, beneficial ingredients.
If you have questions or want to sample some, visit

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Join Our Mailing List

If you need help selecting a shade, or want a lesson on technique to get the most out of what you bought off the television in the middle of the night, call me for a one on one coaching session.


Cherelynn Baker
Makeup University Inc

Save 50%
RSVP for half off your minerals, bronzer, self tanner and summer skin savers!
Ask me how! 480-283-5811

Offer Expires: MAY 15TH 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The gas boycott on May 15th 2007

The Gas Buy Boycott on May 15th 2007

When I was a young girl, I remember the 1970's gas shortage, the speed limit being reduced to 55 to conserve fuel usage, the lines, the fights, and the mayhem.

If you don't remember, log on and research it!

I bring this up because of all the emails that are going around the web about May 15th being a "no buy" day for gas to send a message to the oil industry about the high price of gas.

How does this relate to makeup you say?

Well, there are a handful of cosmetic companies that DO NOT use petrochemical bases and additives in their products ( petrochemicals in cosmetics are sister to the petro you put in your Toyota).

My point is the $4 dollar mark for gas is coming and your lipstick is about to increase in price as well, just like your body wash, lotion, foundation and hair products.

Before we get into a debate about the GNP, economy, state of the DOW and more, let me just end with this,
go organic, bike more, wear botancial skin care and cosmetics and finally,
support the gas buy boycott on May 15th.

Need more makeup ideas? Come on over to

EyeQ & crepey lids that crease
EyeQcreme shadowI understand you don't prefer creme eyeshadows because they crease?

Actually, for the mature ladies who want to wear shadow, the creme eyeshadow is a great choice.

When you have a crepey lid ( may also be called a lid with excess skin) and apply powder shadow, it's key to stretch the skin out and color all the folds of skin to get a seamless look.

I suggest that instead of pulling on the skin more, let it relax on the eyeball, use your clean ring finger and dip it into the pot of creme eyeshadow and gently rub it in small circles all over the lid.

Now, when it moves a bit, use the same finger and pat the product back where you want it.

If you want to use two shades, one highlighter on the brow bone and one on the lid, great!

Cremes are good at any age, but they really benefit our seniors...especially the ones who golf all day!
You can see more of the FYI line at

Summer Vacation cosmetic pack list
If you've heard the rumor, it's true. When I travel I pack three things I would never share: my own mascara, toothbrush and underwear.

I figure the rest can be bought on the fly as I go. (* this comes from years of working in film production and having to sacrifice my stuff for hauling work stuff)

For those of you who like to pack, always overpack, and want to know what is the bare minimum you should take for any situation, here's my pared down list:

1.Mascara ( on lashes, and smudged into lashline for liner)
2.Berry/red toned lipstick ( can be doubled as a rouge) and works for formal evenings, thinned with gloss works in daytime
3. Bronzer (slant tip wet brush can be used as a liner, or eyeshadow)
4. Sheer jewel toned gloss
5. My mini-tote of skin care or a sample strip of the product line RE9.

That's a small bag of makeup to go from day to night, and from casual to black tie.

For more info, visit
Here on Arizona's West Coast, we are about to hit the 100 degree mark...meaning I'm heading for the beach. I'll be staying in touch through the newsletter and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Love ya and make it a great day!