
Saturday, September 22, 2007

For Men Only!

Happy Saturday and Happy Yom Kippur!

Thanks to all of you guys who have emailed me about my Holiday party on Tuesday. For those of you who can't come but want to order, the special that I have for you is linked below: just follow the shop online, click and pay, ups will be at your door in 3-4 days.

**NutriMenC™ RE9® REvolution Set**
The kit contains the exfoliating wash ( use in shower or at sink to loosed dead skin cells for closer shave),
Toner (so you don't knick yourself)
Resurfacing shave creme...your lady will want to use this to maintain her Brazilian in between appointments...I say, make her buy her own
Light moisturizer with spf
Includes a free hair care product! Includes one of each of all four products plus a Arbonne Intelligence Thermal Fusion Hair & Scalp Revitalizer … a $23.50 value!


Now...for those of you coming to the party in can order the set too! Plus receive the additional gift for attending.

Finally...if you want to save 35% off the price, just become a wholesale buyer, it's easy.

I'm celebrating Yom Kippur today with fasting. How about you?
See you next week!
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday updated smokey eye

To go from office to out on the town: rub a thick line of eye shadow along the upper lash line, now draw over it with a liquid liner. Starting at the outside of the eye and drawing toward the nose making the line thick at the end and thin towards the nose!
Wah lah! Instant updated makeup, current with trend, plus perfect for a party! Enjoy!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Arbonne Holiday product line party on Tuesday 25th

This Tuesday, September 25th, I'm coming to meet, mingle, eat cheese and feel the new products for the Holiday line.

My peeps in attendance get a free gift for coming out to support my business, plus for those placing their Holiday gift basket orders: you receive an extra percentage off your total for early bird ordering.

Just my way of saying 'thanks!'

If you are planning on attending, please email with RSVP in the subject line for Tuesday night. Party starts at 7 pm, address and directions will be given with the rsvp confirmation.

To preview the line visit:
and if you are putting in your 50% off RSVP order remember to select your free product.

Thanks again and see you on Tuesday!
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Good Morning America segment: Make more money by working from home

This is the segment I was talking about, it's worth a read if you need a second stream of income,but not a second job.
Make More Money by Working From Home
Direct Sales Can Increase Your At-Home Business Income

Working From Home


Good Morning America
Sept. 20, 2007

Not long ago we featured a segment on starting a direct-sales business to make money from home. The response on the "Good Morning America" message boards and through e-mail proved that many of you were eager to tap into this opportunity, while others were already doing it and looking for ways to grow their businesses.

According to the Direct Selling Association, last year there were more than 15 million direct-sales representatives in this country, which is an increase of more than a million people over the previous year. Many of those people are content earning the median income of $2,500 a year, while others want to generate that figure per month.

One woman I met, Jeanne Wildman, a Longaberger direct seller, says she went from making about $200 a month to generating 10 times that much: a whopping $2,000 a month. Almost 20 percent of all direct sellers are now making more than $20,000 a year, so we know it is indeed possible to reach any financial goal that you set for yourself assuming you're ready to put in the work.

Do something daily. I received e-mails from more than 100 women who are in the $20,000-a-year bracket and each of them say they've reached that milestone because they contribute to their business daily.

They don't just dream about making money, they take action every single day to make that money. It could be contacting customers about re-orders. It may be networking and socializing outside of their homes where they always talk about their business. For some it's as simple as meeting someone new at the hair salon and passing out their business cards. Just about everyone says they're constantly focused on planning future parties because the primary sales forum is getting friends to host parties, where people are invited to socialize and shop. Bottom line: Work isn't just on their minds, it's also in their actions.

This follows the direction once offered by Mary Kay Ash who would motivate her sales force to maintain written lists of the six most important things to do each day. The focus then was on achieving daily accomplishments, just as it is today.

Form a team. Many women who are making in excess of $2,000 a month have found that they're so passionate about direct sales, they want to form teams of other direct-sales representatives. These women become team leaders and they recruit friends to become independent sales reps who report in under them. This means they've now taken on two roles: They continue to sell, and they also motivate and lead their team. By managing a team, you make commission on the sales of your recruits.

Yet, it's not a walk in the park: As a leader, you're now doing your own sales, worrying about your own customers and you're also motivating your team to achieve their sales goals.

In many ways, this mirrors the traditional work force: Every manager knows that his or her direct reports have different motivators. Some people work hard to get a promotion. Some perform just to keep their jobs. Others work hard to make more money. In direct sales, people get into it for different reasons: to save for the holidays, to earn a vacation, to pay for home repairs or to socialize. A great team leader recognizes that she'll have to know what motivates her team and she has to work to meet their needs. It's not just about signing people up to make more commission.

Bridging the gap. For some people, a desire to work at home may just be a temporary need, especially if they are taking care of children or an older parent, but they plan to return to the office one day.

Direct sales can be an ideal way to bridge the gap in employment. Starting a direct-selling business and forming a team not only means good money, but it builds invaluable leadership skills that many people can leverage into corporate careers. This is a way for anyone who wants to be at home to keep their hand in making money and building professional skills. This can make it easier to re-enter the work force later if desired.

It's all about how you spin it. Building a customer base by selling cosmetics or gourmet food where you consistently raise the bar on your financial goals is something that any employer can relate to. Direct sales is also a smart way to maintain contact with a personal and professional network.

Outgoing personality, drive, motivation. Of course direct sales isn't for everyone. For somebody who is shy and introverted and prefers to work alone as opposed to having to get out there and hustle, direct sales is not the right opportunity. If you're not comfortable getting out there and pushing your business, it's very difficult to be successful. You must really want to have the drive, personality and motivation to make it work.

Select the company that's ideal for you. Consider the type of product sold, compensation model and whether or not you want a long-established name

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

15.2 million people can't be wrong!

I get a asked a lot about why I have Arbonne as my product line of choice in my Makeup University studio. The choice was first based on the quality of the product and the results that I got from experiencing the line of skin care.
The second was money. I would have most likely stayed with Aveda but it had a significant upfront investment required to use the Aveda name and then stock the studio. Though Arbonne was just $350. Yeah, you read that right. I started a product line with only $350.

So when I say, 15.2 million people can't be wrong, I mean about direct selling. Good Morning America correspondent Tory Johnson and CEO of Women in the Workplace did a great segment on this truth this morning. Direct sales allows moms to stay at home with their children, or be their when the kids get home from school. Money can be made around family time, and other life commitments.

The money made is totally dependent on you, so you control your pay raises. The average direct seller in any line makes between $100-$200 per event. You can plan an event once a week or once a day. It's up to you.

Direct selling can bridge a gap in income for families who are having trouble making ends meet or who have more month at the end of their money.

It is not for's for motivated, dedicated and goal oriented people. You have to have a really strong "why" to be successful in direct selling.

So I have an Arbonne business, I'm proud of it and love the products because it includes the whole family. I average one event per week, I heavily promote the auto-mated website, and I do a fair amount of phone and email coaching for my team so they can make more money too.

It works for me, if you want some details, contact me by email. Arbonne may or may not be the company for you, but if you want to work direct selling from home around your current job, I encourage you to google "direct selling" and find a company and product that fits your lifestyle.
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Invitation for October Workshops and coaching session

Invitation for October workshops and coaching
I have some availability open on my weekend schedule for adding one on one coachings, makeup workshops or public speaking/teaching engagements. Topics are flexible and range from image and esteem enhancement, makeup technique and application to current trend and style.

If you are interested in a booking for your school, civic group, womens group, sorority, meetup, or best friends; please contact me at 480-283-5811 for rates and dates.
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Men: wash your hands with this

Men: Wash your hands with this

It's been featured on Good Morning America and other news programs that men, more than women don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Hepatitis A is spread from not washing your hands after using the toilet. The sickness spread can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea. It's a common hazard in restaurants where food workers don't wash up after using the bathroom.

So men, try this, sing “Row Row Row the Boat” or “The Happy Birthday Song” to help with washing. The time it takes you to sing the song is the minimum amount of water, soap and rubbing while washing that is needed to clean the hands of germs.

Or instead of singing, I prefer to name 7 things, people, or situations that I am grateful for. It's also a good time to say a short prayer or blessing for your loved ones.

I teach this to my toddler who is potty training and to my makeup artist team.

Perhaps you need to find a hand soap that you love the smell and texture of?

Remember Howard Hughes used to carry his own soap, this may come back into style and you will be ahead of the game.

Here's a few soap suggestions to get you started:
Try Neolia Olive Oil soap: it's made with 100% organic all natural Italian extra virgin olive oil. It's free of animal ingredients, not tested on animals, gentle and hypo allergenic and has a fresh clean smell.

Or, visit your local health food store and get a chunk of the hand made soap from a local vendor. You will see a display with long rectangles of soap and you cut of as much or as little as you want.

Okay, if these don't work for you because bar soap can get messy and if left in a puddle of itself can begin to grow it's own bacteria, then start with a pump dispenser of Soft Soap anti-bacterial moisturizing formula found at the local Walmart.

It's not so important of what soap you use while washing your hands, just that you do it.

Thanks guys for washing up, especially if you are in the same restaurant as me and are about to prepare my meal.

Who knew hand washing and hygiene could be so good for you?

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Pageant makeup strategy for HD broadcasts

If you've seen the news broadcasts lately, they and most television shows are now seen in HD, the high definition format. Which means that everything and anything shows.

If you are participating in a pageant that will be broadcast in HD or photographed digitally your makeup needs to be flawless.

When I say flawless- I mean blended to a seamless perfection.

Your skin tone color matching of the foundation is what's most important to HD broadcasts.

Even if it takes using two different shades to blend together to the get the right color match, or to contour your face with.

The secret is to blend, blend, blend, and blend some more. Less is more when it comes to foundation product application and using a foundation brush will make the professional difference.

Using a large velvet puff to buff the face with after you've blended the foundation will finish your makeup into a flawless and seamless application.

Remember to cover your ears, neck and chest area.

HD shows everything-especially if you put makeup on your face and not on your other skin that is showing during formal evening wear, swim wear or the talent competitions.

Good luck in the pageant and happy hunting on finding a perfect skin tone match with your foundation. The difference it makes is worth the hunt!

For more information or cosmetic coaching please contact

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pageant winning smiles: the Whitestrips way

Pageant winning smiles: the Whitestrips way

There are many things to do to prepare for a pageant and one of the simplest, easiest and multi-tasking things you can do is whiten your smile.

Maybe a visit to the dentist office for a whitening treatment isn't in your budget or schedule, but before bed and for five minutes in the morning, you can whiten your teeth while you do other tasks,

To improve the results of your whitening effort, remember these few steps:
1.Floss regularly. There's no need to whiten old food.
2.Use a whitening toothpaste, or baking soda to aide the process.
3.Apply Crest Whitestrips for one week and watch your smile brighten

The results will be dramatic and the Whitestrips are dentist recommended plus don't harm the enamel of your teeth.

Now for pageant preparation you can brighten your smile while you rehearse the opening number, try on swimsuits, edit your opening statement or research current events to be prepared for the questions.

Please remember your smile because it's one of the first things people notice about you and you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

For more information or booking a workshop: please visit

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday: fair, Green Expo, and the link for bodybalm

We are going to the fair today...not the Maricopa county fair, the Mohave county. Things are a little bit different here. So more details on that later.

Quick reminder to set your calendars for the Green Expo on October 5 & 6 at Scottsdale Center for the Arts. This is always a good time. I'll keep you posted as the details come in. It's free to attend and worth the trip because of the learning and free swag.

Finally, the feedback from the Good Morning America and Walmart going green for beauty has been awesome. Thanks so much! I got my info from the local Walmart in Kingman which is the closest store to the ranch. Even then, it's not that close.

Hope you are having a fabulous Saturday and since I am leaving for the fair, if you would like the Super Saturday sale item of Sweet Sugar body balm, just email me your order or use this link for the webpage:

this will show the top left corner as being the body balm...and the other goodies from the Holiday line.

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Friday, September 14, 2007

Super Saturday Sale: Sweet Sugar Body Balm

Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to put a picture in now that I have linux...the challenge factor went way up.

Though the Super Saturday sale is just a wee way to say thanks for your continued support of Makeup University.

So here's the deal: you order 1 Sweet Sugar body's a lightweight moisturizer that comes in a round tin with a fat fluffy puff to buff the product onto the skin with.

The puff gives a sheen finish to the skin, and if you use bare fingers it will have a more dewy look.

It's for all over body and has a golden tan color that comes across as "healthy glow". This is not for the face. Trust me , I tried it, and it wasn't pretty.

Call or email me tomorrow, order #2323 Sweet Sugar and it's $25. That includes tax and shipping to the continental U.S.A. I will be including 3 samples from the last two workshops that were be prepared for the swag bag.

It should take about 4-5 days to get to you from the processing date on Monday.

Enjoy, and thanks again for supporting
(p.s. in my last photo shoot for the swimsuit calendar, this is what is all over the models)

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: Your Wedding day beauty

Almost every bride has everything she needs in her everyday makeup bag to do her wedding day makeup. As a professional makeup artist, I find that most women, especially those with planning a dream wedding on a tight budget, can do their own makeup without the expense of hiring a professional makeup artist for the day.

Bridal beauty needs a few extra steps and a few specific products to make the difference in digital photos. It's these small professional techniques that make the difference from looking nice to looking amazing.

There is even a chapter for the bride who would rather spend her money on cake! If you don't own any makeup, don't plan on hiring an artist but need to have a wedding day makeup look, this book on cd includes a full face for $20 plus the instructions on what to do!

Inside the book you will learn:

* How to use your products for digital photos
* What foundation to choose, where to apply and how
* Making the most of concealer
* The ordered steps to lasting kiss proof lipstick
* Signature lipstick and why
* What products you need...some photograph better than others, learn which!
* Stains are the secret
* False eyelash myths,uses and which brand is best
* Mascara that doesn't run or flake
* Which tools to use and why...hint...this is the secret to a professional makeup artist look

There is so much information in this simple, easy to follow makeup book that a bride can use on her wedding day, plus incorporate into her everyday beauty routine.

The book format is on cd and convenient for destination weddings, for cruise ship weddings and for the professionally planned events. You can read the book, print the pages you need for reference at your wedding site, then also make a copy of the bridal makeup shopping list for convenience at Sephora!

As a professional artist, I have been making faces for over 12 years and have worked on thousands of faces. Some of my favorite clients are the brides! Thanks for letting me share with you what I have learned along the way.

* p.s. if you do want to hire a professional artist for your wedding day, please visit my website for the free article on " Everything you need to know to hire a makeup artist for your wedding but didn't know to ask"

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Cool Water, Adidas, Oscar de la Renta on sale

Just a quickie fyi update:
The REVLON outlet store has a lot of fragrance available at the same huge discount plus with the extra discount card you get from the Makeup University workshops you can save even more.

To see more of the fragrance brands available, visit
The store is located at 1402 S. 40th Ave 2 Phoenix 85009
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Part 2: Good Morning America & Walmart "Go Green" for you for beauty & Earth

Good Morning America and Walmart: Going Green and Changing Lives! part 2

Today on Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts visited with Bianna Golodryga who shared about the changes going on at Walmart.

Currently Walmart is a leading consumer of electricity and has the second largest fleet of trucks to transport good to the stores across the nation.

Andy Ruben, Head of Sustainability at Walmart said that the changes are happening now with the implementation of “green” toilets that reduce water usage and by adding skylights to curtail the electrical consumption.

Walmart is now the largest buyer of organic cotton and hybrid trucks.

The good news is these changes can be experienced by the Walmart shopper in stores today.

As for Walmart organic beauty- the majority of the plastic containers for body products can be recycled.

The next step is to see the cardboard and plastic wrappings which are common to beauty products be reduced or switched to completely 100% recycled cardboard.

Walmart is currently making a bid to their suppliers to change packaging in a global effort to reduce and reuse the amount of cardboard and plastics now being used.

I agree with it!

When in your local Walmart store, please visit the natural beauty and body product aisle
The lines available are good products. The ones I experienced had good slip, texture, scent and lasted on the skin without a sticky residue feeling.

Brand worth trying are: J/A/S/O/N, Heal Thy self, Honest to Goodness and It's All Good.

Remember to rinse the empty bottle and put it in the blue bin when your are finished using it.
Or, how about finding a way to reuse it? The pump and squeeze cap bottles can be reused for things like: travel sizes of shampoos or conditioners you make with your own botanical recipes at home or just pouring some of your larger bottles from the shower into these smaller reusable containers.

Ah..the more beauty the better!

For more information on green beauty, visit me at

To see the Bianna Golodryga Walmart segment on Good Morning America, visit their home page on the GMA homepage

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good Morning America & Walmart "Go Green" for you for beauty & Earth

Good Morning America & Walmart “Go Green” for you, for beauty & Earth
Once upon a time you had to go to natural food stores which were few and far between to get good organic botanical products for your body.

As of today, you can go to your local Walmart store and find an environmentally friendly and Earth saving item in several departments, such as compact fluorescent light bulbs or organic cotton clothing.

Beauty is my specialty and I'm very pleased to see Walmart carry the 3 product lines: Honest to Goodness, It's All Good and Heal Thyself created by Noah's Naturals. These body products are free from parabens, do not contain sodium laurel sulfates, or propylene glycol. The ingredients used in the products are free of pesticides and harmful chemicals. So basically you get good organic ingredients.

I find the price point is very competitive with other stores and product lines, in fact, it's a surprisingly low and affordable price point.

If you are used to buying a vat of body lotion for $1.99, these products may seem expensive. Though, actually with the range being between $4.00-$12.00 for organic eco-friendly body care, it's affordable to upgrade your health and well being.

Remember when products contain mineral oil or petrolatum, they block moisture to the skin. Think of a baby bottom in diapers. Moms get a tub of petroleum jelly and cover the baby's bottom to protect the skin from wetness in the diaper overnight. When you use lotions and cremes that contain mineral oil or petrolatum it's the same thing. Though now these lotions and cremes have more fragrance and cost more.

Your skin doesn't get hydration and is actually leeched of it from the petrolatum on the skins surface. So your skin actually gets drier feeling. So you put on more lotion filled with mineral oil and petrolatum. Now your skin gets leeched of more moisture and you have itchy dry skin. So you put on more lotion.

We've been through this haven't we? So how do you get off the merry go round of moisture loss through body products? Try an organic botanical body scrub,lotion or shampoo from Walmart's natural beauty aisle.

The Walmart that I visited to experience the products had half an aisle devoted to the “natural body care” products. I was impressed! There were a few brands to choose from, such as Freeman and J/A/S/O/N, which has a great reputation for being an organic botanical product free of parabens and chemicals long before being organic was cool.

The largest section of natural body care is the Noah's Naturals family of products.

Heal Thyself is an aromatherapy line with body lotion, body wash, a body scrub and bath soak, plus pulse point balm that is pocket sized and easy to take to work or carry in your pocket or purse. The bottle sizes are generous portions and all Noah's Naturals containers are recyclable.

The scents come in 3 flavors: Stress is an aromatherapy blend of basil and eucalyptus for reducing stress and inducing relaxation. Energy: is a blend of Clementine and ginger for invigorating your senses while Sleep is a soft mix of lavender and patchouli.

Each of the scents; Stress, Energy and Sleep come in all forms of the product line.

The second part of the line is “It's All Good” and it carries a hair shampoo and conditioner plus some lip balm and body products. The aroma of the products are created using rosemary and mint. So expect an invigorating shower experience.

The final product line in the Noah's Naturals family is “Honest To Goodness”. It has an anti-aging skin care line filled with anti-oxidants. The bases for the products are all organic essential oils mixed with natural raw materials.

To read more details about the Noah's Natural story and products, please visit them at or just take a trip to the local Walmart and stock up on some good for your body and better for the environment products.

Personally, I love Arbonne and usually keep my house Arbonnized. Though it is pure pleasure to know that in a pinch if I forgot to order my Arbonne body wash, shampoo or lotion, there is a safe, organic, botanical line of products at a great price that is just a quick trip to Walmart away!

Special thanks to Good Morning America for doing the story on Walmart “going green”. If Robin Roberts and Diane Sawyer weren't talking about it, I would not have made the trip down the beauty aisle in my local Kingman Walmart.

Thanks Good Morning America!

For your green beauty needs please visit me at

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alice Coopers eye liner and your own: what you have in common

How to apply black eyeliner and not look like Alice Cooper

I like Alice, but the eyeliner he wears is a bit bold for the fall season trend. It may be perfect for Halloween, but that's a different story.

As for now, we are going to work with pencil, liquid and creme/shadows.

Pencil: sharpen it and gently roll the rough edges off on the back of your hand. Start at the outside corner of your eye and very gently pull the eyeskin taught for a smooth surface to work on. Work in a smooth stroke next to the lashes and make several soft lines to form one line when blended.

Step back and assess if you need to add more product. It's up to you if you want to stop at the iris or line completely to the nose which will give you a more dramatic look.

Liquid: I like the kind that come in a pot with a dip brush inside them. This is such a bold '60's mod look. I love it! The line must be very thin for day, but for evening and going out..make a bold line that flares at the edge of your eye. Pair some false eyelashes with the liner and your eyes will stand out boldly like Twiggy.

A word of caution here: my opinion is to always work from the outside in because if you start at the nose or center of the eye and work out then the line is big at the center and can make you look cross eyed.

Most eye shadows can be used wet as well as dry. There are some crème pot eyeliners that can be purchased also. You will need a good stiff slant tip brush for this eye lining project. Wet the brush and dip it into the corner of the shadow. If you diddle it around in the center of the shadow pan you can ruin the shadow.

When it makes a loose paste it is ready to be applied just like the liquid liner. This style gives a softer smudgier look than the liquid or pencil liner. Plus it opens up your choices for eye lining colors.

If you want to make it stick try Benefits Shelaq.

Now for those of you who read and appreciate the knowledge I share, I am offering a free product promotion:
Be the first to email me with the correct answer to the trivia question found in this blog link and I will send you a REVLON black eyeliner and some more cosmetic goodies to tuck into your makeup bag.

The question is: what to do if your makeup gets sweaty?
Good luck! The answer is in the blog link...somewhere!

Email your answer and include your snail mail address!

for the simplest, most affordable expert makeup advice on your wedding day beauty: get your copy of Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How to take control of your wedding day beauty. Only $19.95 plus S& H.

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

No Challah in Kingman AZ

No Challah in Kingman AZ!!

Tomorrow at sundown starts Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year of 5768. The Spirit is stirred up big time and it's a major prophetic happen! It's time to celebrate and have both traditional and contemporary foods to celebrate with.
That is live out on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and the nearest town is Kingman Arizona. It's a lovely place for the most part, that is until, today when I was shopping for kreplach and challah.

My choices to shop are walmart, smiths and safeway. Not one had challah and forget the kreplach! When I asked the sales clerk for help, there was no help.

So what's a Rosh Hashana reveler to do? I got apples, honey and some kind of apple raisin bread. In this pinch, it's going to have to do.

I hope tomorrow is everything you hope it to be. Remember, you are watching the sun go down on 5767 and welcoming 5768.

Instead of the expense of a professional makeup artist: here's my book: "Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How to take control of your wedding day beauty". It's only $19.95 plus s&H, it ships with in 1 day of receiving the order and I know it will make a difference in your wedding budget!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Makeup for women who don't wear makeup

Perhaps you are a tomboy, don't have time, new mom, you name it; there is a reason for not wearing makeup.

Could it be the time it takes? Perhaps the skill? Is it self esteem?

I'm here to share a few easy steps to do simple makeup, with a few products and just know that the results will make you feel better about yourself, almost instantly.

After all, it's a proven fact that lipstick sales go up during times of tragedy and stress.

Here's the number one secret to makeup: have great skin. How do you get great skin? Wash it. Moisturize it.

If you are really gung ho about taking care of your skin: tone and treat it. Though for the basics and training yourself into a skin routine: start with the two steps of washing with a gentle exfoliating wash and moisturize with a lightweight formula that has sunscreen in it.

Hey! Wait a minute! What's the exfoliating part? I think you may as well put two steps in one. Personally as a skin care and makeup fanatic, I mask and exfoliate constantly.

If it's not routine for you, most likely you won't do this very important step in getting great skin. So let's put two steps in one...find a product you like that is a face wash with a fine grain to it or a soft grit if you will.

Now that you have great skin, let's enhance it. There are many choices of mineral makeup. It comes loose or pressed into a compact. I recommend this because you get a barrier spf in the minerals and you get easy coverage that doesn't require time or skill to apply.

The next step is to follow with a bronzer. Why you say? Because self tanners on the face take strategic time to apply, too much sun can cause irreversible damage and bronzer gives your face face a healthy glow. Again, it doesn't take time or expertise to apply.

Use a large domed brush, swirl it through the bronzer and swirl it on your face. Starting at the top of your forehead, down the nose, over the apples of the cheeks, swish over the chin and hit the center of your neck. Done.

Mascara is the one cosmetic item I would take with me if I was going to be deserted on a desert island.

There are so many brands to choose from. Here's my recommendations: if budget is a concern, the Wet'n'Wild brand PLUMP is good and costs $2.47 at Walmart. If budget doesn't matter, go for the Christian Dior DIOR SHOW, it's $32 at Sephora. No matter which way you go in choosing mascara, it's the one item that will take a personal experience and trying a few brands before you find the one you can't live with out.

Now for the application of it: don't sweat the corners, the bottom lashes or perfect feathery full fringe like lashes.

Simply put the wand at the base of your upper lashes in the center and gently waggle up towards the tip. Just put a little color on your lashes and if you want to go for another coat of mascara and work on blending the corners of the eye. Great.

Finish the entire look with something on your lips. I recommend a sheer spf lip gloss. Something that will have a hint of color and moisture to protect your lips.

Why bother with all this? It's going to take anywhere from 5-10 minutes to do in the morning and now it has to be washed off before bed?

Because you are worth it.

Because your face is the first thing that people look at. Then they notice eyes, smile and what you are wearing and make a judgment about you in 3 seconds.

If it's family, friends, co-workers, clients or strangers on the street: what do you want them to see about you in the first glance?

Makeup can work miracles for making yourself feel better. It gives a lift to the “you” on the inside as well as the outside.

Now go to the cosmetic aisle and play!

For more information on making the most of your makeup plus my list of personal product favorites please contact me through

Click to get your copy of Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How to take control of your wedding day beauty! Everything I would do and use, if I were there, without the cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Monday, September 10, 2007

Musicians Choice Rehearsal grand opening and other thoughts

I just switched to's it looking?
The grand opening party for the Musicians Choice Rehearsal was an awesome party! Special thanks to the generous sponsors Crest Whitestrips ( ...check out the new Daily Multi Care! Talk about easy!

Also, REVLON Outlet store in Phoenix did awesome with the "guyliners" and foundations. Thanks so much! Find them online at

I'm getting a green bridal story ready for
Plus...looking to do a promotion/review with Ecco Bella and Zia Natural.
So stay tuned!

To get your hot copy of bridal beauty and wedding day style, click on the paypal link below!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Baby Band's Guide to Style: How to Look Major on Minor Money..part 2

The Baby Band's Guide to Style: How to Look Major on Minor Money:

When I say "baby band" I mean the bands that are starting out with a million or less in operating captial.

If you are just starting out and all your money goes to the demo and travelling to shows-how do you up your image and sytle ante without using a lot of money?

I have a few suggestions to help:

1. The local Savers ( is a treasure trove of good stuff! Plus the local vintage shops and thrift stores can have fun, funky, stylish clothes that are inexpensive. This can be a great palce to start for clothes and make a little wardrobe budget go far. Perhaps you can incorporate a vintage store run in each of the citys' that you play in?

2. Partner with a fashion design student. They get their designs in front of the public or in photos and you get something original to wear. To find these fashion students: check out ( Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise) or your local community college, look under the art department. I know the Mesa Community College Fashion department has amazing instructors like Angela Johnson and the students are just as good!

I've also seen several fashion groups, and of course, is full of fashionistas also. Just post a request and see what happens.

3. Your hair. You never know when big rocker hair is going to come back in style, so best get prepared now. Whether you need a cut,color,perm or weave, these services are best left to the professionals. If you don't have professional budget, try the beauty schools. Toni & Guy have a training center in Scottsdale, and AVEDA trains in Tempe. Don't forget Earl's Academy of beauty. The name may be odd but the students are good. All services are performed by students learning with a professional stylist as an instructor. I suggest you take a photo of your hair vision along to the appointment to help inspire the creativity of the student stylist.
These services are more than half off of what you would pay in a salon.

4. A little makeup goes along way on stage or in your photo shoots. Your most important step is to take good care of your skin. Slather on a little lightweight moisturizer with spf to get things started. Follow with spf lip balm because cracked chapped lips never photograph well. For photos use a oil absorbing matte powder but decide if you want to use it on stage depending on the sweat level during performance.

Eyeliner, or in some cases, guyliner is worth the effort. A smudgy smokey eye photographs beautifully and holds up fairly well on stage under hot lights. Most importantly it "pops" the eye and makes them stand out more. Experiment with different brands of pencils, creme or powdered eyeshadows as eyeliner.

Remember, a little makeup goes along way in a more polished and professional look. You decide your level of cosmetic comfort somewhere between Duran Duran and Twisted Sister.

For help coaching your band on an updated style, visit me at the Musicians Choice Rehearsal grand opening party, Saturday September 8th, starting at 4 pm.

2155 E. University Dr Tempe AZ 85281
See ya from the front row!
Your personal makeup coach
Cherelynn Baker

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What Whitestrips and your band have in common...absolutely everything!

What Whitestrips and your band have in common...absolutely everything!

Your smile is so important and the one of the factors that stand out in your first impressions and meetings. So what to do if you don't have a lot of dough for expensive dental work and in office bleaching treatments?

For a fast and affordable solution to a new set of pearly whites-follow these simple steps:

1. Floss-no need to whiten old food
2. Brush teeth with a whitening paste and one with baking soda works best
3. Apply Crest Whitestrips for one week to achieve a new level of whiteness in your smile

Now, in photo shoots, performances or paparazzi shots...let your light shine! Your smile will be brighter and healthier!

Come see me this Saturday at 4 during the Musicians Choice Rehearsal party for your free sample.

2155 E. University Dr Tempe AZ !

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Mesa Stone Bridge Manor brides

Mesa Stone Bridge Manor Brides...holla back!
25% off your wedding makeup services on September 7th, 8th and 9th

Call 480-283-5811 to book your appointment today
If you need the "For the Bride" article or article, let me know ahead of time and I can send them by email.
Otherwise all bridal beauty resources can be found on the website.

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

REVLON Outlet store item of the week:Bare it all legs

My fave place to stock up on products at a gonga discount is the Revlon outlet store in Phoenix.

This week, there super duper sale items is Almay Bare it All elgs, which is $2.99, if you shop during happy hour from 4-6 on Tuesdays, you get an additional 20% off of that...if you have your discount card from a Makeup University get an additional 10% off of the price!!

The colors available are Golden veil, Warm veil and Tan veil.

If you need a Revlon Outlet discount card, come see me this Saturday September 8th starting at 4 pm at the Arizona Music Clubs Tempe party. It's free to attend, there's lots of giveaways planned and in general, it's going to be alot of fun.

I'll have discount cards to hand out along with the September sale sheet.

See you there...if you need more info please email me or contact the Arizona Music Club.

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

The Baby Band's Guide to Style: How to Look Major on Minor Money

This Saturday at 4 pm the Arizona Music Group will be hosting a free mixer and event with everything music to play with. I'll be there to coach your style from beginning band member to looking like a seasoned pro on hiatus from the world tour.

Now, for some simple style tips to help make you cover art photo ready:

The guyliner: it helps define your eyes, makes them "pop" in photos, and should always, always be blended.

Any brand eye pencil will work, and please be open to color instead of the basic black.

If you have brown eyes, blue makes them look browner. If you have green eyes, purple makes them look greener, if you have blue eyes, grey makes them look bluer.

Apply from the outer corner in, and work into the lash line. Go over the line with your finger or a brush and smudging some powdered eyeshadow in a similiar shade will enhance the entire look.

I've got alot more where that came from to get your band style to the next level as your music presence grows.

Please visit me this Saturday, September 8th in Tempe.
For more information, email me!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com