
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Get your Groundhog on at Tangles

Get Your Groundhog On!
Friday is February 1st and also Groundhog Day where Punxatawnee Phil comes out of his burrow. If he sees his shadows, there will be more winter, and if he doesn’t, winter will end soon.
Well, here in Arizona, it doesn’t really matter. Sure, it’s been colder than usual, but that means wear a sweatshirt with your shorts, perhaps some socks with your flip flops.
The interesting thing about the colder than cold winter, is remember, we had a hotter than hot summer. It broke the record for consecutive days over 110 degrees. That’s not a typo, I didn’t mean to write, 100, I meant 110 degrees.
Many of those days in the summer, in that heat, I would still go out every day during my son’s afternoon nap and run 3-6 miles. Now, with it being so cold, I run to the coffee pot.
I share all this to say, come out of your burrow on February 1st and join me at TANGLES salon in Golden Valley for the “Celebrity makeovers & Glamour photo shoot” event. Call 928-565-7706 for an appointment.
4225 Hwy 68, between Kingman and Laughlin, just look for the balloons! Park where ever is close.
If you are planning on getting the Bridal Beauty package and using your credit card, please paypal the $29.95 prior to pickup, since it’s cash only at the salon for my personal retail.
(The Bridal Beauty pack includes: Bridal Beauty DIY Style cd book, Crest Whitestrips Premium 7 day whitening system, and some makeup)
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Why I use the moisturizer I do and not Walmart Equate kind

Why I use Arbonne and not the Walmart Equate moisturizer
Okay, so I have got some questions about why bother with the shipping, the cost, whatever.
Because when I sweat, ( I live in Arizona, I get many a chance to sweat, and yes, your face sweats) my Arbonne moisturizer doesn’t create a oil sealed pocket between the skin and the product.
Let me explain.
I traveled last week and left quickly on a last minute job. I had to pack both me, my son, and my makeup case in a hurry. What I forgot was my personal Arbonne mini travel skin kit.
I didn’t realize it until I was in the hotel that evening in Southern California. I thought to myself, “self, it’s only a week, go get something at the drugstore that can substitute until you get home”.
So, I got some Walmart brand Equate something similar to Neutrogena multi vitamin spf 15 face crème. I figured if I was going to use just any old thing for the week it may as well be cheap.
Yes, that ‘s the silver lining of the story. It was less than $10 for my substitute moisturizer. I used it morning and night. Within two days I had blackheads and by the third day pimples. Nice, exactly what you want while on set doing someone else’s makeup.
Ah, it was a long week. I have since put a couple of sample packs in my makeup kit, some in my travel vanity, and stashed one in my sons toy backpack that we travel with, just in case.
So, if you ask me, why do I bother with Arbonne’s prices and UPS’ing and ordering through the website, I say, because if you think looking at a pimple is hard, trying covering one up!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Sunday, January 27, 2008

To the Men of the Tri-State know who you are

If you are in the tri-state area and would like a professional photo for your business cards, networking & dating websites or myspace, come to the glamour event at Golden Valley's Tangles salon.

Call to make the appointment to 928-565-7706

As the makeup artist for the event, the man makeup is $5 instead of $10. Eegads, don't have a digital photo in bare skin!

Now is a perfect opportunity to update your personal style, have a photo for use in your new adventures in 2008.

I look forward to seeing you next weekend at Tangles salon in Golden Valley.

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Golden Valley Glamour photo event! Get your appt!

Holla back my local ladies!

Come be a part of the local "glamour shots" event at Tangles Salon in Golden Valley AZ.

Just in time for the new year and new business cards, something for Valentines day for your sweetie, or a pamper time for yourself!

The package includes a hair styling, makeup, nail polish and sitting fee that includes an 8x10 photo.

You have to call for an appointment, to 928-565-7706 to book your session.

No worries, this is not the traditional Glamour Shots that you see in the mall where it starts at $189 and goes up from there.

Each service is only $10, mini-mani-nail polish application is $5, and the sitting fee with photo included is $15.

Claire has invited me to do the makeup and to honor her effort and salon I am coming in for the $10.00 (so if you felt nervous that you would need to shell out the normal $350, no worries again!)

I will apply your false eyelashes, though an extra $5 is needed. You are wearing false eyelashes aren't you for the photo? Everyone in the media industry wears false eyelashes to enhance their eyes except for Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degeneres.

It's going to be alot of fun, and I look forward to meeting more of my local ladies!

I am always on the road and it will be so nice to stay home a weekend and not travel! Phew!

See you Friday or Saturday, February 1st or 2nd, at Tangles in Golden Valley AZ.

Call 928-565-7706 for your appointment time.

P.S. there will be shopping available...I am bringing Bridal Beauty packs ( includes Crest Whitestrips 7 Day Premium, eyeliner, the Bridal DIY Style book and sells for $ checks, cash or paypal with your Visa ahead of time to my personal email:

If this is the Bridal Beauty pack is a gift, let me know so I can have it wrapped ahead of time for you.

I will be using all botanical products from Arbonne and if you want to get the good stuff, I'm running a 30% off sale and FREE shipping when you pick up the makeup or skin care at Tangles during your February 9th picture proof appointment.

See you this coming weekend and remember to bring a friend!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bridal Fashion Debut and more

I visited with a lot of you at the Arizona Bridal Fashion Debut show the first weekend of January.
As you know, I rarely do brides any more because of the travel and my son. I prefer to focus on teaching workshops and the sales of the bridal beauty book I have written.
The book details everything and every product I would do if I were your artist on that very special wedding day.
In the meantime, if you would like to book a workshop for your ladies group, just email the suggested date and we can work something out.
Truly, I tell you, you can do your own makeup and have it look professional and save some money too! Spend it on cake!
Enjoy the book and if you have questions, email me!
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bridal Beauty for a mouth to fall in love with

3 Steps To a Bridal Photo-Kiss & Cake Mouth
1. Exfoliate
2. Stain
3. Nude liner and lots of it!
Use a good enzyme based exfoliater that works with fruit acid first and grit second. The week before the wedding really concentrate on preparing the skin. When you are washing your face, use your exfoliating product, I love and recommend the Thermal Fusion Enzyme Mask from Arbonne International, all over your mouth. This removes dead skin that could clog and clump your lip products.
Stains are what make the lip color look natural and last for hours. I’m not talking about “long-wearing or long-lasting lipsticks”, I’m talking about Benefit Cosmetics Benetint, or Sheer Wash by Lorac. Before you put your foundation on, put a layer of stain on. Let it dry while you do another step in your bridal beauty. Now, put another layer of stain on.
As a professional makeup artist that specializes in brides for digital and HD photos, I put on at least 3 layers of stain!
Finally, nude liner is the secret no matter what shade of lipstick or gloss you are going to wear. When the stain is dry, line the lips. My favorites are Nude from Arbonne International, Chanel or English Ideas.
Apply your lipstick on, blot, line again, put another coat of lipstick on and finish with a gloss.
That is a simple addition to your daily beauty routine or bridal beauty look that will preserve the mouth through kissing and eating cake.
Cherelynn Baker
Your Bridal Makeup Coach

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

How bad do you want hair on your bald spot?

Would you like to grow hair on your bald spot?
If you have a patch of scalp that is thinning or bald and would like to stimulate some growth, naturally without expensive shampoos and drippy serums, try this natural remedy.

When you are in the shower and have your head lathered up, use a palm full of table salt to massage the scalp. Yes, just plain old Morton’s or even the generic brand from the grocery store.

Just keep rubbing and scrubbing your head and hair with the salt mixed into the shampoo lather. Use your fingertips and get some good massaging on the skin.

Salt is a natural exfoliater and stimulant. Give it a week to start and with consistent use of the salt on your scalp you will begin to see hair growth.


Because follicles get blocked by hair products, pollution, medicines and junk foods we eat. If you aren’t losing hair because of 100% genetic reasons, I know that this salt remedy will help grow some hair.

Now, if you stop salting your bald spot, which is now fuzzy with fresh growth, you will slowly go back to your pre-salty condition.

Good luck and please send before and after photos of this salt head challenge!

p.s. special thank you to Clair at Tangles in Golden Valley for reporting on all of the success and hair growth from her clients who are currently utilizing this method. 928-565-7706 call Claire for more information

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Danger squirrel hair has been done at the little Golden Valley salon that could

Okay, I'll get a photo as soon as I can. In the meantime, here's what happened, and where it happened at.

Instead of going into the Phoenix valley as usual to my uber chic salon to get my three color partial weave and cut, I went to the local salon. In your head I know you are already doing a ballpark figure of what that costs. It's not that I like a wide variety of toxic chemicals seeping into my scalp on a regular basis, it's just that I like the multi colors and dimensions I get with the weave.

Remember, I wore plain black, then a two tone black (yes, black comes in more shades than one) for years!

I live in the middle of nowhere and love it. So I went to a very small salon, in the middle of nowhere with me.

It's called Tangles. It's owned by Claire, a veteran hairstylist and salon owner. Now there is nothing uber about Tangles in Golden Valley, but it does have a quirky chic about it. There is a laid back, help yourself to the coffee, and make your way to the chair when your ready feel about it.

No pomp. No attitude. Just laid back. And, low prices.

Nobody valet parked my car (oh, wait, that's not in Phoenix that's in Brentwood!) or brought me sparkling water with a slice of lemon and asked if I would like to upgrade to a wine spritzer.

But, instead, I got a great hair cut, and great color. I had the chunks made thinner and the layering thinned out. It looks a bit darker for the winter and the shape of the cut is more like Brianna Golodriga on GMA.

I"m not one to pass out the numbers, but, my entire hair appointment is less than your cell phone bill.

If you are in our little neck of the desert, on your way to Laughlin, have had a horror story from hacks in other areas or just would like a fresh look, consider a trip down the heart of Route 66 to Tangles in Golden Valley. Give Claire a call, she'll be glad to chat hair with you.

4225 Hwy 68 suite B (never mind the suite, just pull straight in and park)

Golden Valley, AZ 86413 or call 928-565-7706

I have to say that I am happy with the results, I'll put a photo up as soon as I can and I will continue the story soon.

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Danger squirrel music please..I'm trying the local hairstylist

Or maybe I should say, danger guinnea pig. I'm working on a new story, it's about hairstylists.

I know, I'm a makeup artist. But, here's the point. What's better: the uber chic salon where a haircut is $300 and an appointment is a year away? Or, the little town with a small salon who does it for $30?

Talent happens in all sorts of places. Is bigger better?

Where does price come in? Experience always dictates more money, but is a small town stylist who is good and charging less doing any less of an art or a service?

See, I hated my last hair appointment. And before that I was going to the uber salon and that appointment and ton of money resulted in less than stunning results.

It makes me wonder if the stylist is even listening to what I am saying!

So, I took on a story idea that is being published in three parts, in three different magazines and it's all about the "hair salon" experience and finding a good stylist.

Eegads, the only challenge is I'm the guinnea pig who is going to get my hair done and will have to live with the results. Good or Bad.


So part one starts tomorrow and hair version one commences. I'm concerned because I had a very vivid dream of my hair appointment...see in the dream I was at lunch with my friends and I can see their horrifed faces but can't see my hair. I can hear my self say " experience the art exhibition that is my hair and get over it."

Does that bode well?
Either way, for the sake of a paid story and my long graying roots ( because I think so much, that's why they are grey) I go to the new styilist in the small town.

wish me luck.

p.s. when I wore my hair black in a Betty Page do, it was so simple and easy. Sometimes I went to the salon for the color, sometimes I got some from a vendor at a show or from the production I was working on and while on the road, sometimes I got a box of stuff from the dollar store. Ah, that was then.

Now I have a multi colored weave and cut that requires alot of maintenance.

Ah, the Betty days!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty! Simple step by step with product guide to do what I do without the high cost!

Review my Business at MyHuckleberry.Com