
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Where in Woodhaven Michigan Do You Get The Best Roof?

Summer is here and now is the best time to do your home improvement projects.
If the long harsh winter took a toll on your Woodhaven Michigan area home and business ess roofs, look no further than Downriver Roofers ro help you restore the safety of your roof

The pros at Downriver Roofers licensed, bonded and insured. They can help you with an insurance claim for repair. They are engaged in continuing education on the latest technology in roofing and the best products to use for Michigan climate.

A written estimate and free quote can get you started with Downriver Roofers today.

Call  (734]-548-9919 or visit them on the web at -

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Cargo Cosmetics Tokyo In Bloom - On the road!

Hi ya Gorgeous

Welcome to the weekend! I know, I know - I've said it before and I'll say it again, wow, the time is flying by!
Today I'm en route on a whirlwind tour of Arizona and southern California. Oh so excited!  I'm taking some blog samples along that have  come into MakeupUniversity - and - I'm trying something different. Instead of having everything set up and scheduled, the goal is to spontaneously post as "it" happens. Adventure awaits!

Thanks for watching today! So much going on and I'm about to get on the road for adventure!

But, before I go, I want to show this palette so you can see it "normal' and then while I'm traveling I'm going to show it as it is intended for use - in water!

I mention in the video about the Warner Bros meet up - details here:

Thanks for watching - please like comment and subscribe!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wine Wednesday - Peaches Edition

Hi ya Gorgeous!

It's Wine Wednesday around here but there is no wine to be found! Just a diy fruit infused vodka video and recipe for you!

Thank you for tuning in today! This Wine Wednesday video is a little bit off the wine topic and onto a diy fruit infused project.

Enjoy the video and let me know in the comments what diy cocktail projects you are creating!

Ingredients: peaches, vodka, pinch of brown sugar
 Combine all ingredients in a glass jar. Mash peaches up real good!
Let set in refrigerator for several days.
Shake each day

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

REsolve Tuesday: What Needs to Go?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Today's  post and video for REsolve Tuesday - to help keep you, and me, on track for achieving the new year's resolutions set 6 months ago - is about letting things go.

Thank you for joining in today's conversation! Have you subscribed yet? If you haven't, would you please - and be sure and ding the bell so you don't miss an update!

Today's video is going to walk you through, how letting go of something can help you gain! Get at it! Let me know in the comments what you are going to let go of!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Unboxing of MindfulSouls online clothing brand

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Who needs a new wardrobe for the summer season?
I've got some fashion to share, so please watch the video and let me know which one you like best!

 Thank you for tuning in today for a OOTD - unboxing or, more specifically, unbagging of some clothes I received from Mindful Souls an online clothing brand.

 Learn more at

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Father's Day! Cheers to all ya'll havin' a wonderful celebration with the fathers in your life!

One more thing all the single moms, who are doing double duty as both parents, we salute you!

Women went to work during the war, and some really liked it and didn't want to return to home life.  Some liked it but did want to return. Since this time, the role of women in the home and the workplace has shifted, and women have began to shoulder both the home and the work, and the family.

To each woman at home with the family on this fathers day, just know, for you, today is "FaMother's" Day!  Celebrate yourself and the success you have in raising a family, while maintaining the home and working while also serving in your community!  Thank you for your dedicated efforts!

Now, how about some videos from the Youtube channel that showcase some great gift ideas for Father's day.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

#ThrowbackThursday and new product intro!

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Thanks for tuning in today! So June is almost half over - and - I'm keeping up with my goals to clear out unused things in the house and in general, tidy up! Thanks Marie Kondo!

I have a video that is going to take you through some oldies but goodies products that I had tucked away in a storage tub that I accidentally came across today while cleaning out Lego!

Here are links to the original videos that I made reviewing these products!

Available on Amazon

Violent Lips
Available on Amazon

Burt's Bees Gud
Available on Amazon

Custom Nail Solutions
Mini Kittour

EVO Australian hair care
Available on Amazon

EVO Fabuloso
Available on Amazon

Gleam by Melanie Mills available on Amazon

Thank you for watching!

*Please note: the Amazon links are an affiliate link and I get a penny when you click the link.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Wine Wednesday - the diy homemade edition for questions

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Wednsday - Wine Wednesday to be exact!
Today I have my wine from Passover that I opened and enjoyed on Pentecost! So good!

I also have the funky bottle from a week or so ago that I found in the Lake Havasu Walmart - so good, and just a wee bit of change over the $10 budget.

Thank you for watching and please let me know in the comments what your fave $10 wine is - or - what your home made wine recipe is! I've got to use this fresh fruit and I'm not baking any pies!  

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - What Can You Do To Break The Cycle?

Hi ya Gorgeous!
How ya doin'! Welcome to REsolve Tuesday! This series is to encourage you and myself to stick to the New Year's Resolutions made back in January!  I made fitness and financial goals and slowly but surely, with diligence every day and week, it's coming together.

Remember, the finish line is also the starting line! Take time today to take stock and evaluate where you are today. If you got off track, no worries, get back on now because you are worth it!

Today's video is a smorgasbord of information, stories and stuff! Get in there and enjoy! Hang in there and if you haven't subscribed to the MakeupUniversity YouTube channel, be sure and do so and you won't miss a Tuesday video!

Let me know in the comments what you are going to do "out of the box" to get your breakthrough!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Where To Get The Best HVAC Trade Education in Lincoln Park Michigan - Northwestern Tech

Are you ready for a new career path in life? Is it time for a change in your daily work routine? Then going back to school may be for you - and if you are in the Lincoln Park Michigan area, a great place to start is Northwestern Tech.

The students at Northwestern Tech in the HVAC program have a 10 1/2 month program to take them from start to finish and ready to be hired on at graduation.  The success rate of graduates is 9 out of 10 students go on to jobs upon completion of the program.

This school has an opportunity to learn hands on in lab work that teaches extensively on real world situations for repair and installation in a short and focused program.  With an endorsement from Michigan Works! you can trust that your time and effort at Northwestern Tech is going to put you where you want to be at the end of the program.

They have been in business teaching HVAC to students of all ages and walks of life for over 40 years.

Northwestern Tech is a military friendly school with financial aid available.
Why wait - get started now by calling (248) 356-4006 or visit on the web at

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday Summer Tips For Just In Case ...;

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Quick note to check in with ya and to see if anyone else is experiencing the pressure ( self induced might I add...) to the year being half over, or 3/4 over if you are on the  Hebraic calendar!

But God! Where did the time go! This month there is so much activity and travel and ... *sigh* ...time to focus!

Summer is in full swing! In fact my state is finally in the summer temperatures and went straight to heat advisory triple digits!

So here are 3 videos to help you with your hair, your smile and your sunscreen!

Enjoy and please be sure and tell me what your best summer beauty tips are in the comments!

Lightening your hair naturally with dandruff shampoo and vitamin C - great for lifting box color!

Well, if it's not on the internet it might not be true? I am stunned by the results! Enjoy the scientific test I did on myself to lighten my box of accidentally black when it was supposed to be blue hair. Things to know: this had a very strong scent. I have a keen sense of smell to begin with, though this really had a strong scent that even after I washed my hair - I could smell the vitamin C! Good luck to you if you need to try this!

Live Demo of PRO LIGHT Dental Whitening System by Luster Premium White

Summer is here and there will be photos! Or graduation. Or just wanting to look your best. I received this sample from Luster Premium White, it has a new blue packaging which will look different than their old red packaging if you are looking for it online or in some retail markets. We tested it live on camera - and honestly, it worked!
This kit is available at Walmart or online at Amazon

Battle of the BBs

This video is a battle of the BB cream - my top faves and go to's on a regular basis!
Get my faves on Amazon
Bare Republic Mineral Tinted Face Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30
Murad City Skin Age Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 50
Dr. Lewinn By Kinerase Instant Perfecting Bb Cream Sunscreen
Comodynes BB Color Skin Perfector: 6 in 1 Multi-Action BB Cream

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

May Your Pentecost and Shavuot Celebrations Be Beautiful

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Sunday and in particular, happy Pentecost Sunday!
It's been 50 days of counting the omer from Passover til now, and going forward in the year is an exciting time.

God's power is seen in the Pentecost story as the apostles proclaim Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. The gift of tongues in Acts 2 is a sign that God's word is no longer limited to one people or one place, one language or one race, but is now available to all people everywhere.

So celebrate today! Sing songs! Dance a new jig! Give thanks! Eat something sweet cheesy treats! Just find a way to enter into the goodness and promises God has for you!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wine Wednesday| Opening a 2006 Yellow Tail Merlot in 2019

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

Hope you are having a wonderful day! It's Wednesday, that means time to review a wine, preferably something in the $10 and under range. I have something special in a part "unboxing" or uncorking video that also doubles as a first impression!

Oh - but not today - this review of Yellow Tail merlot is not your usual Yellow Tail!

This wine can be found easily, nationwide, and it's usually well under $10.

Enjoy the video and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

To help you with some wine aging knowledge, check out this link from Wine Turtle

Some good info on how to know if your old wine is going to be delicious or awful!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - What is your word for the remainder of 2019?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

How ya doin'! Today's June REsolve Tuesday topic is - one word. Like a horse who wears blinders to help them run the race or plow the field, choosing a target word to help you pin point your action tasks can help you succeed in what you are focusing on.

What is one word you can use to help you focus your goals and tasks down to a manageable moment on the fly? How you can you help yourself with a "trigger" word that would, as Tony Robbins says "will change your state?".

 I just did a personal coaching session and she helped me narrow down to "HARMONY" and it's amazing! Now, when it comes time for family/fitness/finances/career my action steps I can use "harmony" as my divining tool to laser pin point my focus.

So good! Try it! Find a word to tie together all of your efforts! Let me know in the comments if this helped you!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

How To Help Summer Hair Heal Fast with GotuKola Hair Mask

Hi ya Gorgeous!
First day of June and summer fun is on! I love long sunny summer days with lots of swimming in the pool, going to the lake and the beach!
All of that fun sun is a good time though it can be hard on your hair - especially colored and highlighted hair!

I've got a new hair treatment that I have been using the past few weeks, twice a week for intense conditioning and healing of my hair. Have you heard of it? It's called Gotu Kola.

Gotu Kola has been used to strengthen hair around the world for a long time.  It can also promote hair growth. It's also known to contain several antioxidants. Gotu kola known by it's science name, Centella asiatica, is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs. 

It's thought to increase hair length and stimulate hair growth, possibly by increasing blood circulation to the scalp which in turn grows long, healthy hair.

I use my Gotu Kola hair mask after washing my hair, and then I let the product set on my hair under a cap for about 15 minutes.  After rinsing out, I have shiny happy looking hair! 

Don't just take my word for it -  try it for yourself! Get a tub of Gotu Kola hair mask here:

A little bit goes a long way and if you need a luxurious hydrating shave cream, use this to care for your skin while it doubles as a shaving cream! 

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!