
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Transformation Taught - Webinar & Guest Speaker - part 2

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Ok - part 2- the why to the press into the teaching.

My why for teaching transformation and making it simple, actionable and effective is because in this new era, the 2020 - the new roaring 20's - there is just no time for not taking charge of life.

NO more excuses!

What area of life have you been withholding from yourself and why? I'm about to launch in this area and will be takin' you along for the ride if you so choose!

This video explains a bit more - enjoy! 

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Transformation Taught - Webinar & Guest Speaker - part 1

Hi ya Gorgeous! 

How is your 2020 going? Is it what you thought it would be? Some of mine is and some isn't - if that makes sense?

 I guess I thought that more things would be happening faster and I find myself pushing boundaries more than ever.

Which is why I am branching out more into public speaking and teaching the transformational modules to inspire women to make the changes that they need to take control of their lives.

After all, the motto for MakeupUniversity has been for the past 12 years "changing lives one lipstick at a time"!

Here's a little video to help introduce you to what is being offered:

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, February 17, 2020

How CBD Oil Helped Me

Hi ya Gorgeous!

...and...February is half over. How ya doin'?

I'm doing great and excited about all the fun projects that I'm working on! Which, one of them, is this lil' good gummies exploration into health and maintenance.

Last year, at this time, I had the most debilitating vertigo/inner ear imbalance/dizziness/nausea!
It started in January and lasted till June. Yes, you read that right. I was dizzy, couldn't walk, drive, eat, barely make it through the day and care for my family let alone work due to the dizziness!

After a trip to the emergency room where I was given anti-nausea medicine, which helped temporarily. I saw my primary care doctor who gave me anti-vertigo medicine to go with my anti-nausea medicine - all of these meds were worse than the initial vertigo and dizziness!

I tried chiropractic treatments. Then added the epley maneuver. Finally I had a tiny bit of relief but was not back to my normal self and routine.  Almost three full months into the affliction, my Mom bought some cbd oil from the local swap meet and at this point I was so desperate for relief that I would try anything!

Guess what?
It worked.
Just a wee dose first thing before getting out of bed. Lil bit more tincture under the tongue mid morning - if I needed a late afternoon dose I would have it and then my final dose before bed.

It wasn't a total healing and it took til June for me to be 100% back to my normal self though I am here to tell you my truth. No matter what you think about CBD oil or products, I know, from personal experience that has a physical therapy for sickness, it works.

Since the vertigo healed, or my inner ear hairs righted themselves, or whatever brought on sudden debilitating dizziness and I used CBD oil to help me get back to life - I have continued to have some good gummies on hand for life maintenance.

I'm using the Hempworx brand and if you need a relief from an affliction, maybe you could try some too? They are so good!

 If you are interested, please use my affiliate link here:

And get yourself some good gummies!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Quick Win Strategy for Small Channel Bloggers and Sponsored Content

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
February is on! The 2020 "LEAP" month is in effect!
Palindrome Day for 02/02/2020 happened1
Groundhog Day - happened - and Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow meaning an early spring
Then, how about those Chiefs winning the Super Bowl and officially starting the revival harvest via Bob Jones word from years back!

Dang February! You are off to a bang! Oh, until you watch the video. There have been some snags and snafus in 2020 so far and this video gives you a lil piece of advice from my struggles that can help you going forward into a very prosperous year!

Thank you for tuning in today! The very beginning of this video has a quick win word for you - a strategy to help you get ahead with working with sponsored content in your channel, blog or social media. 

The second half of the video goes in to dept and explanation as for who/what/ and why I'm making this video. 

Enjoy! Comment if this video helped you!

Thank you for subscribing and sharing! This Amazon affiliate link - helps me - help you more.

Thank you for shopping with me! EO Body lotion - so good!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!