
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wine Wednesday - Ending September on a Good Note

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Happy last day of September. 

Was it anything like you thought it would be? 
School has been in for 2 months in my town - hence, the need for some wine. Please take a quick moment and pray for teachers right now. 
Why? Because so far in this year their job includes teaching, being an IT specialist troubleshooter, parent counselor, and class entertainer to keep the kids in zoom with the camera on. Thank you teachers! 

This wine, is a special story and delicious sip. Enjoy the video, the laughs, and the price! Here's an Amazon affiliate link to get some fun flavors for your lips this Fall season from Chapstick. 
Remember, when it comes to chapped cracked skin, the secret is to stay in front of it by constantly moisturizing and protecting it! 




Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, September 28, 2020

🤪 GRWM 😝 Monday Afternoon🙃

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Happy Monday! 
It's a "sideways' day around here and I thought I would come on and share some positive encouragement to you while I get ready for the day. 

Yes, it is late in the afternoon here in California. Today's video is a GRWM - a get ready with me! I forgot to get my joke book to tell you one and play the laughter button. 
So here's the joke of the day: What plants do ghost like? ...Bam-boo! 

The products used are mine that I bought on Amazon, except for the sample of Perfect Image Glycolic peel. 
Which - I love and use weekly! 
These links are Amazon affiliate links and I thank you for shopping with me! 
Neutrogena Hydro Tint makeup 
Neutrogena retinol oil 
Neutrogena moisturizer 
Perfect Image glycolic peel e
Essence bronzer 
L'Oreal masacara 
L'Oreal lash primer




Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wine Wednesday - What Have We Here?

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Thank you so much for joining me today! If you have subscribed, thank you! If you haven't, please consider joining the community! We are on a wild ride in the 2020 season of life! 

Today I have a wine review for you that is a "special edition" of a favorite.

Please let me know in the comments what you are sippin' on these days!

Amazon affiliate link: (thanks for the support and shopping with me)
Fall lip balm flavors with Burt's Bees - no wine related, but ya'll need some soft lips to sip!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

🦄🤪What did I find😝🌺 Watch and see!

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Hey- today is a weird one off video because I found something, on accident and by happenstance that I feel like I should share with you. Enjoy the video and I hope you give it a try because it's good fun! 

 p.s. Do you get a giggle at the joke? Let me know in the comments. 


p.s.s. Thank YOU to all of the new subscribers and if you haven't joined the community yet - would ya like to? 
Amazon affiliate link for the Caress body silk wash 
Thank you for shopping with me!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday - Why So Funny?

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thank you for tuning in today! This Monday, I have something funny for you, and something helpful for you! If you have subscribed, thank you so much! If you haven't would you please consider a thumbs up and a share? 
Today I have a video encouragement and strategy for you to move forward in the rest of 2020 and find a way to advance with victory and soar!
For all the mommas who have kids in online school, and you have concerns, chin up - let this meme below be a bit of spark for you.  Why? Because essentially, I can not imagine not being concerned about the path my child is on.  The online school has been so isolating. Yet, we press on! 

Thank you so much! This video is to encourage you along this strange journey known as 2020! I hope this helps you - and if not, if there is something I can help with, please let me know in the comments. 

Amazon affiliate link for my new fave stationary cards: 
Though yes, I would like some lovely custom heavy linen stationary like Dita's!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wine Wednesday...mystery flashback edition

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thanks for tuning in today - expect a special new year celebration wine video coming at the end of the week!
(*This photo is what you see when you turn onto the 15 out of Vegas to Los Angeles. These giant solar towers look like something post apocalyptic energy weapon or twins of the two towers from Lord of The Rings. Just say'in and think it was worth a share in these weird days"
 Woo hoo! 
This was a nice surprise and worth a flashback look! 

As always, thank you for watching and subscribing. If you have not yet subscribed, please do! Amazon affiliate link for a solar power bank Why? Because if you drink chilled wine, your refrigerator is going to need it in the coming season!




Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hit Hit Miss with Neutrogena via Amazon

Hi ya Gorgeous! Happy Tuesday! 
It's September and the weather usually changes a bit now - though, today's forecast is hot with smoke. I have just purchased a few Neutrogena products from Amazon and some I love beyond belief and one is pure trauma. 

Enjoy the video and let me know in the comments if there are any Neutrogena products that I should try. 

p.s. I do not like the new wee square format that blogger forces now that you can not use embed coding to add a video. Thoughts?

These Amazon affiliate links (thank you for clicking and sending the penny) will take you to the products discussed in the video: 
 Neutrogena Retinol Oil 
Neutrogena Retinol creme 
Neutrogena Retinol day creme with spf 30 
Neutrogena Hydra Boost foundation 






Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Eggs 🥚 For Winter

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Hope this finds you and your family safe from fires, earthquakes and all manner 2020'ish'ness that has been going on.  Please pray for rain! Pray for strength and refreshing of the firefighters! For 2020 to not level up in Jumanji!

Today I have a helpful tip video for you that is actually a re-teach and share of one of my favorite Youtubers, Homestead Heart. 

Yes, yes Ma'am! She is so beautiful and teaches so well, you can enjoy her channel here:

In this video she teaches very specifically with close up camera shots of what/how to do this.

I put some eggs aside because my town is burning, we recently had some earth quakes and then the whole poo paper shortage thing. I just want a little back up for good measure.

This is simple to do and quick too! I hope this helps you! Thank you for watching and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do!

Amazon link for the silicone cups:
Amazon link for powdered eggs:



Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wine Wednesday - Oops I Did It Again with This Style of Wine

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Thank you for tuning in and being a member of my community! 

Oops - I did it again. This is not sing along with Brittney Spears edition wine, it's the I was in an absent minded hurry and purchased something I did not mean to!

I have some nice choices for sips in this video depending on your preference and taste. Enjoy the video. Please let me know in the comments what you are sippin' on these days! 

Amazon affiliate link for good stuff:

This link is for Amazon fresh and will take you to the new 19 Crimes "The Banished" dark red wine - whoa - stay tuned, will be reviewing this in the coming weeks! 

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions andbeauty giveaways!

Monday, September 7, 2020

3 Must Haves for Labor Day Weekend via Mordor West

Hi ya Gorgeous! 

Happy Labor Day weekend to you and your family! I hope this finds you keeping cool! My area has had record breaking high temperatures, fires and an earthquake.  I liken it to living in Mordor West.

I have 3 things that can help you with a Labor Day celebration - enjoy the video! If you are out and about, please be mindful of your surroundings and know what station to tune into for emergency road conditions. In California, the fire can shift at a wind's notice and close a road down. 
Be alert while having fun!

Amazon affiliate links to help: 
Neutrogena sunscreen 
PeriPera lip ink :



Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wine Wednesday: the Labor Day Weekend Prep Edition

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thank you for joining me in the stretch between 5780 and 5781. 
These have certainly been some strange days! Remember to focus on some self care for you - with time in nature, gettin' sunshine and of course, wine.  

For the single moms out there who now have to work somehow from home while homeschooling kids online from home, and still needing to provide for the family, self care is at an all time premium for you.  Get creative and find a way to keep your immune system and emotions strong while you remain strong for everyone else! Get wine! 


This wine I have for you today is what was intended for a family camping trip - but - things have shifted. Again! So - enjoy this review from Grocery Outlet and in the $10 range! 
Wait til you hear the real price! Please let me know in the comments what you are sippin' on for the LDW! 
 This Amazon affiliate link is for getting some "staycation" fancy tent action at your place - to me, it looks like a quick and easy sukkot!