
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ron Paul rally in Kingman AZ Sat July 21st 10 am

I normally write about makeup. Today I write because the '08 elections are around the corner. Think a day goes fast? Try a year. Please share an info moment with me, and I hope to see you in Kingman!
Thank you from Makeup University Inc!

Saturday July 21,2007
From 10 am to Noon at the Northwest corner of Stockton Hill Road and Airway Avenue in Kingman a rally for Dr. Ron Paul, Republican candidate for President.

Dr. Paul or Congressman of Texas Paul, has never taken a government-paid junket, and he has never voted for:
raising taxes
regulating the Internet ( hallelujah!)
the Iraq war
a unbalanced budget
a federal restriction on gun ownership
raising congressional pay
increasing the power of the executive brance
the patriot act

though....if elected to Commander in Chief... he will

secure the borders and ind illegal immigration
end "birthright" citizenship for illegal aliens
put an end to the IRS ( can I get an amen!)
stop the Central Bankers " inflation tax"
stop unconstitutional spending that is leading this nation to barnkruptcy
stop financial dependency on China, Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments
protect citizens privacy and stop the National ID Card ( if you are just learning about that, sorry)
bring U.S. troops home from no win "police actions"

See you in Kingman this Saturday! For more information email:
or call 626-826-9739

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