
Friday, August 31, 2007

Remember the sunscreen for this Labor Day weekend

The newsletter about the use of sunscreen brought out the best in you guys! Thanks for reading.

Okay, here's the short of it: it's got to be paba free, after all, if you use a microwave and drink water out of plastic; you have already endangered your health enough.

High numbers above 15 are synthetic, so if organic matters to you, keep it at 15 or lower.

UVA and UVB is the key in maximum protection

Barriers work well in conjunction with the numbers: such as a large brimmed hat, sunglasses, light weight cotton long sleeved shirts to wear over your swimsuit when you are not in the water

What the numbers mean: let's say it's 15: that means you have 15 minutes of protection before you need to put some more on.

If you have been sweating or swimming, now you really need to put some more on. Yes, it takes time to absorb into your skin and get the level of protection marked on the bottle. It doesn't matter if it is designer sunscreen or drugstore, you just need to use something. And if you heard the shot glass amount is enough for your whole body, it's true. One full ounce will cover the parts that need covering.

For those skeptics that say wearing sunscreen is bad and blocks the benefits of the sun and Vitamin D absorption: I say, you don't live in the desert do you?

In the SouthWest United States, when we walk from our home, to our car, to our job, into the store, to the mailbox and back, we have got enough Vitamin D rays.

Trust me.

Enjoy the holiday weekend...I"m sure many of you have already started!!

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