
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The BEFORE hair...tomorrow, the after... why is finding a good hairstylist so hard?

Okay, that's me in the kitchen. Hot sauce and whip creme in hand. For those who have been with Makeup University for awhile, you know that I used to have the most gorgeous ( * if I may be so bold as to say!) long, blonde, tri-color weaved hair. It was amazing, healthy, full and I loved it.

Then, my life took a turn. I tried a new stylist because my old one moved. Hmm, she did good the first time, but cut a wee bit too much off. It was summer, so I could tolerate the infraction.

Next, she got the color wrong, over charged me and didn't really cut off enough to notice that my hair was cut.

So, I got a referral to a different stylist. She botched it up really, really bad and the color was so awful and bled through that parts of my hair were grey green. I am NOT exaggerating.

Okay, I have no choice but to go to a different stylist. She was high on meth and forgot a few things, mixed the lift with the wrong level and disaster occurred again.

I would like to remind you that it's not like I was going to the beauty school.( although out of pure frustration I did once and it was, again, awful)

Each salon I went to was some "name" salon, touting that they did the "local celebrity" and A list clientele. Is there such a thing in Arizona?

The long short of it is, that my beautiful hair was hacked a ' la Leatherface into a short brownish black bowl similiar to Mowgli in the Disney movie The Jungle Book.

Now, it was also burned from the bad mixing of hair chemicals. Sure, I should just use henna, hug a tree and grow out my armpits, though before I do, since my trip to L.A. has been post poned to September and I HAVE to get something done with my longer Mowgli mop,

I, again, will venture out into the local salon. This time, I'm going on a blind date with a gal at a local chain.

Yep, I figured if my hair is going to be ruined, it can at least be cheap.

Ce la vie, it's only hair, it will eventually grow out. Right?

Share you hair stories with me, I need the laugh!

Tomorrow or Friday I'll get a new shot of the different hair...

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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