
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pimples, who needs 'em! content:

Your Makeup Products Could Be Causing Acne

Maybe trying all those free makeup samples at once wasn't a great idea. Take this quiz to see if your beauty supply needs a makeover

Stress, the environment and hormones all contribute to unsightly blemishes ... but could part of the problem be your makeup? Even seemingly acne-friendly products can clog your pores if they're not right for your skin -- or if you're combining them with not-so-skin-friendly habits. Take this quiz to see if your makeup products and practices put you at a higher risk for acne.

Test your routine

Some of the best acne products I have found are in the Clean and Clear brand or Neutrogena's new grapefruit products.

Remember, sometimes your hair products can cause breakouts too! Especially if you use alot of pommades and waxes.

Keep you cosmetic puff clean...especially the one you use in your purse compact. Wash tools regularly with hair shampoo and allow to dry thoroughly before using. Always have clean hands when you apply your makeup. Finally, check your foundations for mineral oil and petrochemicals...which are pimple creating culprits!

Enjoy the beauty tips!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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