
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kiss My Face! The face wash! content:

Kiss My Face Start Up Exfoliating Face Wash

Guest review by editor Kristen Oldham-Giordani

The zesty lemon-lime-scented wash gently removes dead skin (and makeup) with natural fruit acids.

See review

You wouldn't believe the amount of people I come in contact with that don't wash their face as part of their daily beauty routine. They say "you know, what ever hits it in the shower is fine by me". What!

A proper pH balanced face wash, micro bead exfoliating followed by toning and serum with moisture that has sunscreens in it. Now, that's facial care!

Try this product by Kiss My Face, you can get them at Trader Joes', Sprouts or even Target. And I love their commitment to the environment.

Now...I'll post tomorrow, but this month their will be an added class to the workshop schedule and that is how to do halloween/creature/effect makeup.

If you would like me to come do your makeup for a corporate party or on that Friday October 31st, book me now. I am only taking 5 clients for that evening. Prices vary. is the final day of the Tempe Beach park Oktoberfest. The Kinderworld is awesome and free! Bubble machine, carousel, Lego building contest and strudel. What more could you ask for!!!

Talk to you tomorrow and see you at the strudel hop.
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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