
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Need a facial? Do your own! Plus Y.E.S. skin care giveaway content:

Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips

Take control over your skin care (and improve your cooking skills) with easy DIY recipes you can make at home

We present our favorite beauty recipes so you can cleanse, moisturize and exfoliate your skin the easy way. (And for those of you who just aren't DIY-types at heart, we feel your pain; check out the natural store bought alternatives after each recipe.)

See recipes

Wow! It's Wednesday already! Okay, I have a giveaway for you below...but before we get to that, let's talk about how to do some at home beauty treatments.

I encourage you to do at home what the spa does for you. It takes a little time though the benefits are huge!

You can find at home spa recipes from Google, or visit Total for reviews of which recipes worked and didn't!

I did my own facial last night complete with steaming. If you have been working a lot, a wee touch stressed or just need a skin pick me up, here's the routine:

First, get an at home mask of some kind whether it's a moisturizing, clay or anti-aging mask.

1. Cleanse
2. Tone
3. Steam
4. Tone
5. Mask...for as long as the tube says too!
6. Rinse with cool water
7. Tone
8. Apply serums
9. Apply moisturizer
10.Apply eye creme/lip treatment

Wah lah! Gorgeous! Why all the toning you ask? Because it cleans off residual product and helps pH balance the skin. No toner? Use witch hazel applied to a cotton ball or spritzed out of an atomizer.

Now...for those of you who need to get some serum and moisturizer, Y.E.S. skin care is offering an anti-aging duo for you!

To win the Makeup University set of Y.E.S. skin care, the company with a heart for women...please email me between today October 22-24th with answers to these questions:

1. Who founded Y.E.S. skin care
2. Which charity does Y.E.S. skin care support with a portion of sales from the product?
3. Why do you use toner?

Remember to include your mailing address and contact information and the prize will be sent out the following week after the closing date. One email per person/per household please. Thanks!
Now, enjoy the Y.E.S. skin care facts below and see you in the drawing pool!
Y.E.S. is continuing to change the face of beauty. “Our anti-aging products are truly a remarkably effective system that combines innovative ingredients that work in tandem to fight even the earliest signs of aging skin," said Linda. "We're eager to introduce the Dynamic Duo to the beauty market as it's the most revolutionary skincare system that industry has ever seen. At Y.E.S., we create a beauty experience that exceeds our customers' expectations continuing to raise the bar for excellence.”

Meet the Beauty Innovator

With more than 20 years in the beauty and fashion industry, Linda Eastwood is a published author and CEO of Y.E.S. Young Essential Skincare. Under Linda’s leadership and guidance, Y.E.S. is positioned as

a leading brand creating trends and driving markets with a simple and differentiated message: provide customers with results-driven products. With the extensive knowledge of new advancements and technology in the beauty industry – from the business sector to product development - Linda is elevating the industry to a new level of excellence. Linda is a visionary and industry leader as she devotes all of her time and energy to Y.E.S. and remains dedicated to the beauty industry.

About Y.E.S. Young Essential Skincare (

Y.E.S. Young Essential Skincare is a premier skincare line with results-driven anti-aging solutions for women.

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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