
Friday, October 31, 2008

Read "The Shack" for a new look at beauty

Oh my goodness! What a read! I read alot, and many times I recommend the book and pass it on to friends, though this book I feel like I need to buy a dozen and distribute!
I am deeply passionate about the Lord and consider Jesus my best friend. Because of my zeal for the Lord, I encounter many bitter, angry, lonely and in general, pissed off at God people because of what "religion" has done to them; and then these people generally take it out their frustrations on me because I am filled with the joy of the Lord and they are not. Though, this book has said it best, what I already know:
it's about relationship with Jesus, not religion.
So, if you don't want to buy a copy, just read some of the preview on the website
and if you like it, go buy it: Walmart has it for $9.97.
I think you will be intrigued one way or another and want to know how it all ends...oh the suspense of it all!
What I love most about the book is the emphasis on talking, just chatting, easy going banter and conversation with Him. Sure, He already knows whats going on, but He wants to hear it from you.
Just like I always ask my toddler " so, tell me a little something about your day?". Even though I already know what his day was like, I just want to hear him tell it, in his words, his way. Well, God is no different with us than we are with our kids.
Enjoy the book, it's worth the ten bucks and after all, if you buy it at Walmart or Costco, you can always get your money back or a store credit if you have to. :)

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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