
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Huzzah! A TFP shoot this weekend
Quiz: Are You a Product-Buying Sucker?

Paying too much? These beauty bargains will get you more for less

Everyone loves a good bargain, but sometimes -- thanks to sleek packaging or fancy-sounding ingredients -- it's not so easy to spot. Think you're an expert? Test your ability to spot a good deal with our quiz.

Take the quiz

Saturday! Sunday! Huzzah!
This weekend is all about the TFP shoots for me and models alike! As of this upcoming week you will see a new link to my AZ Super Models blog...which...while still written by me will be a different take on all things beauty related.

Saturday is a standard photo shoot but Sunday...something special is planned!
Alas! A trip to the Arizona ( Renassaiance Faire! For a photo shoot and some fun!

I'm excited about the photos and working with new photographers. Hold fast to your seat and get ready to see the fruits of our efforts.

Plus, I will also have this coming week, photos of the 8th Annual Street Faire in Phoneix. wee!

...maybe even some video...
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