
Saturday, May 2, 2009

What's going on this weekend: beauty and more
Amazing Celebrity Transformations

How hairstyles, makeup (and surgery?) makeovers have changed stars like Gwen Stefani and up-and-comers like Susan Boyle

Okay, so none of these women were ever ugly, but all of them used hair, makeup and even surgery to go from blah to stunning throughout their careers. Do you like their original look or their new one better?

See makeovers

Where to find a model this weekend: specifically this one!

Get to this seminar at the AZ Tattoo Expo in Mesa!
1. The Arizona Tattoo Expo in Mesa AZ or
One of the main reasons to be stopping by the show, besides the people watching, artwork, fashion, and mix is to catch this seminar by Noah and his airbrush techniques.
I’m going to cover the pin up contest, the artists, the award ceremonies and in general, just get a feel in pictures and words what’s going on! Oh, and in my opinion, laugh in the face of swine flu and get out to this event! Support your local artists and tattoo shops!

2. Then…The Greek Fest at Tempe Beach Park

Opa! Oy! Ouzo! Oh, do I have a story of being in college and my sorority and a Greek fest. It includes the Greek orthodox priest, his daughter, a carnival and ouzo. But more on that later!
In the meantime, I encourage you to get out to the local events going on. Just wash your hands a lot and cover your mouth if you sneeze. Oh, and don’t share eyeliner or drinking cups.
If you want me to cover your event for a write up in the blog and in Helium, plus provide lots of photos, just email me! I’m flexible in my schedule and have affordable rates!
See you soon this weekend…somewhere at these events!

REMEMBER!!! REGISTER for the Makeup 101 class at Fresh Start Women's Foundation! There are just a few open seats left for this Tuesday's May 4th class. Free child care included. 602-252-8494

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