
Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Monday! Shake up your hair style!
11 Hairstyles We're Sick Of readers share which looks they've seen enough of

Some cuts are flattering on a lot of people -- which means, of course, that a lot of people have them. This can get, well, a bit dull, don't you think? readers shared which styles they're tired of seeing on everyone -- maybe it's time to shake up your look?

See hairstyles

Ladies, I need a new hairstyle in a big way. It's not that I wear a "trend" cut, it's just that I've gotten so many bad color jobs and hair cuts that at this point, I'm in search of the "Flowbee" do it yourself hair cut machine.
Enjoy today's beauty bubble and share any story you may have of good or bad cuts.
If you have a stylist that you love and would like to recommend, email!

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