
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Luxury Beauty Spy

Women agree, money is no object when it comes to these must-have product splurges

Luxury Beauty Spy

If you've ever wanted to peek at a rich woman's bathroom counter, now's your chance. We surveyed 11 women who, when it comes to beauty, spare no expense. From laser treatments to pricey salon visits, they always make room for these luxury services and products simply because they are "the best." Feel like splurging? (Psst ... some of them are actually quite affordable!)

See products

Smart Mouth is being put to the test as I write! Yesterday, in honor of the Smart Mouth test, I ate six raw cloves of garlic! Then some dill dip! Yey for stinky mouth because I'm bettin' that Smart Mouth zinc based mouth wash is going to clean it up.

It takes a few uses to really sink in and prevent a build up of bad I used it last night. This morning, I ate more garlic and used it again. Now, tonight and in the morning I will finish my test and see if I have morning breath combo garlic bad breath OR if the Smart Mouth mouthwash really worked.

But why wait for my opinion? You can get a $2 off coupon and go down to the local Walmarts and Targets right now and get your own...

Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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