
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dry itchy winter skin needs moisture! In layers!
Solutions for All Your Winter Skin Issues

Need help with dry, chapped skin and lips? We've got the answers

Cold weather outside and dry heat inside can really do a number on your skin. If you've tried slathering on every lotion you can get your hands on to no avail, then you need these expert tips to fight dry skin. We talked to Arielle N.B. Kauvar, M.D., director of New York Laser & Skin Care, and Liz Earle, a natural skin care expert, to find out what ingredients, methods and products work best to get you soft, silky skin all season long.

See tips

Okay! If it's winter, it's dry yet you notice that it's a different type of dry than when the summer sun burns your skin.
Remember to moisturize in layers: such as following these simple steps:
1. Drink alot of water by sipping through out the day
2. Keep a humidifier in your sleeping area and run every other night
3. Layer a body oil on in the shower ( watch for increased slipperyness!)
4. Add a layer of body lotion before you get dressed and before you go to bed

Remember to use a product that is low to no petrolatum in it for maximum effectiveness!

If you are a caffeine or alcohol drinker remember to add more water to your diet because the effects of imbibing or sipping are twice as drying on the skin and hair!

It's okay to go to bed with a thick layer of creme on your feet and cotton socks too!
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