
Monday, December 21, 2009

How to find your signature scent
Find Your Signature Scent!

Take this quiz for insight into the perfect fragrance for you or a loved one

Picking a fragrance, especially if it's for someone else, can be so overwhelming. There are so many to choose from that after 10 minutes in the store they all start to smell the same! Luckily, this quiz will help you narrow things down so you can find your (or someone else's) signature scent. Happy sniffing!

Take the quiz

Well, you can click over and take the quiz if you need some help in narrowing down your signature scent.

I've been a long time signature scent of Chanel No. 5, and two years ago switched to Dior J'Adore, and now this year, I just may be switching to the philosophy Amazing Grace.
Only time will tell...
Enjoy the beauty bubble and I'll talk at ya later!
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