
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Answers and update to the HCG Diet Protocol

How is your Valentines day going so far? Mine is awesome; and just before I eat this bacon wrapped steak seared in butter and covered in bleu cheese, I just wanted to give some answers and updates to the HCG protocol and how it's working for me.

Now, I do not have a ton of weight to lose, but more or less the last stubborn ten that have been around since puberty.

All this time I have yo-yo'd and this time is no different. After reading Dr. Trudeau's book on the process and also reading Dr. Simeons' book also, I still get two sides: one says it's a diet that resets your hypothalmus glad and the other says it's a good detoxification diet that will cleanse and correct all the things that are wrong from living in our society today.

Hmm, well I don't have any results to speak of yet, though I am on day two of the homeopathic drops that I ordered off the internet.

The first two days of the "protocol" are the fat stuffing of yourself so you have fuel to burn during the very low calorie days.  Yesterday was weird. I felt guilty for eating the very thing that is necessary for the protocol to work but I have spent a lifetime saying "this is not what I should be eating". 

What was it I ate you say? The new ad on TV from Wendy's. The black and bleu burger with bacon. I had that and fries and a frosty. I felt like I was cheating not "loading". It had an immediate impact on my weigh in today and put an extra two pounds on.

I understand that this is normal and the pounds come off during the VLCD ( very low calorie days). Great.
So that leaves me on Valentines day to pack on the fat with this steak smothered in butter and cheese wrapped in fatty bacon. While I'm at it, I'm going to wash it all down with a beer. May as well, I need it to burn later this week...

If you have questions, the BFF sent this link and it has some really awesome info. you are beautiful!

Okay, here I go; on with the "protocol"!
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