
Friday, February 19, 2010

HCG and weekend plans: prepare ahead of time!

Test your product-ingredient knowledge and find out when to save -- or splurge
Quiz: Can You Tell a Drugstore Cream From a Department Store One? Test Your Skills Here!
Field trip! We're headed to the drugstore and the department store -- where you're sure to find loads of products that make the same promises but have very different price tags. See if you can spot the difference between drugstore and department store products based on ingredients alone.

Okay, I'm on day 7 and I'm hungry. I've found that melba toast is the most delicious food I've ever had after waiting all morning for it! The truth is, I am losing pounds, and inches just like the Dr. Simeons protocol said I would.

I do still take my thyroid medication and so far have not noticed anyting different or off? I have not used any of my usual armory of skin care products and I am so dry and itchy! The only thing I do use is my La Roche-Posay thermal water atomizer to mist my face when I can no longer stand it.

Ok, if I can do this so can you! I keep telling myself that I can do anything for a short amount of time and so far I am already a third of the way there! Plus, I like the results I'm seeing!
Now, time to plan ahead: I have weekend plans that I can not avoid and I will be surrounded by food! And lots of it!
Grace grace to me! And to you too!

Now, I have been working on a personal list of makeup products that are in the HCG diet protocol safety zone and more on that later! There are many books that list products and they all say Arbonne, Aubrey and Alba!  If you like those, you'll like Zia Naturals too and don't forget JASON and Noah's Naturals.

Til next time, keep counting, measuring and focusing on the end results! You can do it!
Remember: you are beautiful!
Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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