
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The HCG arrived today...start tomorrow

Well friends, I have guinea pig'd many a product for you and this is no different. I will be starting the 21 day HCG homeopathic drop diet tomorrow. I do this in part because of an additional poundage though also to chronicle the conflicting amount of information  that says what products you can and can't use while dieting.

Some sources recommend that you use carmex and baby oil. I almost passed out when I read that. 

Other sources say use only paraben free and petrochemical free products.

I have even been told to forgo my antiperspirant ( I live in Arizona!) and to use the crystal stick you buy at Trader Joe's. ( love Joe's)

So okay, here I go. That is me on the left and the photo was taken on Saturday. Yes, that's my chin. No, that's not my jacket. This photo is unedited and I share this truth because where the other photos are posted, the pics have been edited to shrink me a bit. Thank you Photoshop.  Now, I must fill up on all my fatty favorites before I start tomorrow. Adventure awaits!
Remember: you are beautiful!
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