
Monday, February 15, 2010

HCG, you, me and what 500 calories really feels like

Hello friends and Happy President's day! When I was in school we had two days to celebrate it and it wasn't a day off from school, it was a day full of school and lessons filled with what these two amazing men did for the United States of America.

These two leaders were faithful to God and country.
In their honor and memory, I dedicate this chocolate to them.

For me, in my HCG diet protocol as stipulated by Dr. Simeons and re-written by Kevin Trudeau then splattered all over the internet: the third day is the first day of the VLCD. Which in my experience is very similiar to the ROUS' from the movie The Princess Bride. Though, the rodents of unusual size would be far better compared to a day of 500 calories. You have no idea how small that is until you do it.

When I'm fasting, going hungry isn't a big deal and I fast with protein shakes so there is something to keep the crazies at bay and hold back hunger pangs. Nope. Not on 500.

The "Very Low Calorie Day" for me has been a big cheat and my weight went up two pounds? Worth it, sort of.

Today is a holiday, my son is out of school so we went out for an adventure. We started early and have been going non stop ever since. I did pack a cooler with my mid day meal so I would not be tempted to eat anything else other than what is prescribed on Dr. Simeons ( I feel like I know this guy!) HCG protocol for this day.

That is until we were walking back to the lightrail. We normally dine out during our adventures but there is no way I could go to a restaraunt and not eat anything or find anything on the menu that would be half of my 500 calories. He was asking, asking, asking and asking to eat out and we had walked behind the convention center by the receiving docks so there was nothing around and it made it easy for me to say "see, no where to eat! I'll make mac'n'cheese when we get home".

Then out of seemingly nowhere were the wide open doors with an arrow covered sandwich board sign pointing in to Fridays Front Row sports grill at the Chase ballpark where the Diamondbacks play. Or in our lives, where you go for motorcross and monster truck shows.

I was so hungry, tired, fatigued and three hours full of a packed Phoenix Childrens Musuem with no option to take a tylenol because it's not "approved" on the Dr. Simeons HCG protocol left me feeling, well; hungry.

So the cheat was only worth it because we stumbled upon this amazing place. It's the chain restaraunt Fridays though it is built into the stadium so you eat almost "field side". My son was in love! I had to order for him and I'm such a foodie that there in the moment, amid the sight, sounds and smells I ordered for me too. Not the grilled no nothing piece of chicken with steamed broccoli on the side. All my intentions slid below the plate as I ordered a pint of Guinness (210 calories per pint) and pork sausage pot stickers. Delicious!

Now we are back, and I need to start getting his dinner ready and I have zero calories left in this day to eat and a long night ahead of me. I weighed when I got in and I'm up a full two pounds. Dang it! Darn protocol!

So note to HCG moms: do this with more strictness than me! If you are wondering what happened to my lunch that I packed? I ate it. Yes, then I ate again. Now, I'm toe to toe with a screaming refrigerator that outweighs me. To console this day long debacle: when my son asked if he could have a piece of his Valentine candy I said yes and took one for me too.

Well there's no time like the present, because it's a gift from God to me to get back on the HCG protocol. Here goes!

p.s. I found this website to help me with my calories: Hope it helps!

Remember: you are beautiful!
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