
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pedicures 101 by Dr. Doolan
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Ladies, if you have been saving some money by doing your own pedicures, good for you! It takes creative thinking to generate more cash flow and increase savings around the house. If you are doing your own pedis, you may also be saving your self some toenail fungus and other possible creepy crawlies! Enjoy this pedicure information from Dr. Doolan.

Pedicure 101

The good news, says Dr. Doolan, is that the risks associated with pedicures, while they are a reality, are relatively slim. The reason, he says, is because most establishments, especially in areas like New York City where pedicures are an undeniable part of the culture, prioritize cleanliness and safety. The best way to be sure your nail salon of choice is among the best is by doing your homework and chatting with your nail technician.

•Make sure the salon you choose is in compliance with state licensing regulations. Most states have guidelines to ensure that providers of various services, including nail technicians, follow certain standards to maximize safety. For example, New York State requires that business licenses with a personalized photo are prominently displayed and has made the use of credo blades (razors to treat calluses) illegal.
•“A quick web search will outline the safety guidelines your nail salon should be following,” Dr. Doolan points out, adding that once you check out your state’s guidelines, be sure to hold your salon and technician to those standards. ‘If you have rough skin that causes discomfort and isn’t responding to the moisture treatment during a pedicure, don’t try to force them to use a razor blade, instead check in with a podiatrist who will be able to identify the root cause of the problem and effectively treat it.”

•Avoid whirlpools. One of the signature components of a pedicure is a foot soak, often in a whirlpool. The problem, warns Dr. Doolan, is that whirlpools are incredibly difficult to sanitize.

•“To be properly cleaned, a whirlpool must be drained, sprayed with a sanitizing agent, then filled and drained again. If that process isn’t followed, bacteria can flourish.” If possible, choose a spa or salon that doesn’t use whirlpools, or ask the management to thoroughly sanitize the whirlpool.

•Be on the look out for ingrown toenails. By far, says Dr. Doolan, the most common issue treated at his practice, Midtown Podiatry, following pedicures are ingrown toenails.

•“Ingrown toenails are caused when the nail is clipped straight across, and sharp edges are left behind and get pushed into the soft tissue of the skin,” explains Dr. Doolan, going on to say that once you know what to look for, avoiding it isn’t difficult. “Ingrown toenails are very painful and can become infected pretty quickly, so it’s important to be treated by a podiatrist, but to avoid repeat infections simply make sure that the sharp edges of the nail are removed with a file. Avoiding shoes that put pressure on the toe where the nail meets the skin is also key to avoiding painful ingrown toenails.”

•Don’t let anyone cut your cuticles. The cuticles are an important part of the body’s defenses and should be left alone as much as possible. According to Dr. Doolan, clipping the cuticles is always a no-no but gently pushing them back to reduce their prominence is a good compromise.

•“Some people forget that the cuticle serves an important purpose: they are an incredibly effective barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the body. Feet without cuticles are far more likely to develop an unsightly and notoriously difficult-to-treat infection than those whose cuticles remain intact.”

According to Dr. Doolan, following the above steps ensures that the pedicure - whether it’s a once-in-a-while treat or a regular part of a beauty routine - is as safe as possible. The peace of mind from minimizing the risk of infection and injury lets women thoroughly enjoy their treatment - that way, not only do they walk out with better-looking feet, but also much more relaxed.
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