
Saturday, February 20, 2010

The power of a candied pecan = HCG protocol flub up!

Well, here I am after the school party at the Outback Steakhouse and though I had a wee piece of steak on my plate, my son had a pile of fries, fried chicken strips, bleu cheese dressing f or dipping and two pieces of bread with four cubes of butter.

He, likes to eat the butter plain. Oh to be a kid again. I was feeling pretty strong right up til where the buffet server asked me if I would like some salad. It is the shredded mix blend with carrots, cabbage and candied pecans. Who can withstand a candied pecan covered in some kind of sweet viniagrette? Not me that's for sure.

So I had some saucy steak, 3 bites of a bleu cheese chicken strip, and a small scoop of the salad. Only the steak is on the Dr. Simeons HCG diet protocol and I'm guessing not in that lovely sauce that they cook it in? The upside to all this is that it was a lean cut.

Oh, and afterwards when they were serving cake I was all ready on a slippery downhill diet slope with one foot on a banana peel so naturally when they were handing out cake I had one of those too!

It took about ten minutes for me to be sick to my belly. Not over the toilet kind of sick, but dizzy, lightheaded with a headache "alka seltzer" kind of sick.

The old saying of " cheaters never prosper" is right!  So, I'm back to the protocol after the third cheat on my HCG diet and having a scallop and some celery for dinner.  It's so like being grounded after joy riding in my parents car with out their permision.

Funny, for me on the Dr. Simeons protocol, I have found many an interesting thing about myself. What is most disappointing about the chicken strip cheat is that todays weigh in...I am so close to the goal. Then the bleu cheese got me. Darn.

Well, back on the wagon and onward and upward!
p.s. the product list for the protocol is coming out this week, promise!
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