
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Time to self tan: which to choose?
How to Get a Fab Faux Tan

Follow this guide and you’ll be a bronzed beauty -- no tanning bed required

Ladies, DHA (Dihydroxy acetone) is your new tanning BFF. It’s the magic ingredient in self-tanning products that “tans” the surface of your skin, but doesn’t equal skin cancer like UVA & UVB rays can. Keep reading for the lowdown on tanning, and get tips and tricks from the pros for how to master a sun-kissed-looking glow.

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Hello friends!
I live in Arizona, and have for the most of my life, except four short years otherwise known as the Carter presidency; have lived my life in the sunbelt and I have the freckles to prove it!

I used Sun In on my hair. Lemons on my hair and skin to lighten freckles while I still went out in the sun without sunscreen. Yes, I admit, as a young girl, myself and my sister and cousins would lay out by the river all day long during the summer and put baby oil on and hold up pieces of cardboard covered with tin foil.

Oh, those were the days! What adds to the living dangerously laissez faire system of summer is that we were gone for hours with no cell phones, by a large body of water, with no food or water with us and played all day until we could here our Grandma ringing the cow bell to come home. Literally.

It's best to say we were burnt. A sunburn? Yes. All over? Yes. We would put Noxzema skin cold creme on our burns. I'm not sure why, but it felt good!

We had a game of "got your skin", meaning, when we had reached the peeling stage, it was funny to sneak attack my cousins or sister and rip off a chunk of flaky skin. I know that's gross and unsanitary and that level of sunburn in this day and age would be considered deadly. Though at that time, it was a trophy to see how large a chunk could be pulled off in a whole piece.

So, as you look at today's beauty bubble: consider this: self tanning products are safer and perform better year after year as the technology improves.

My favorite so far is St. Tropez system available at Sephora. I just tried the Sevin Nyne product and it's good and brown not orange. I like Clarins though feel the L'Oreal Sublime product gives the same color and coverage for less. I have a sample of Xeno Tan coming and will let you know what I find out.

In the meantime, please keep your military appreciation comments coming as the product is beginning to roll out to our service men and women.

Enjoy your Easter celebration too! I love Resurrection Sunday! It's such a beautiful time to say thank you to Jesus Christ and all He has done for us! Kind of like a soldier?
Love you!
Remember: you are beautiful!
Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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