
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Evoraplus: probiotics for smile
Skin Care for Your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s

The secret to beautiful skin is using a regimen of products that addresses the issues you're facing

Skin Care for Your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s

This is a anti-aging skin care article

With tons of products containing ingredients like antioxidants, retinoids, peptides, acids, etc., it's easy to think that you need to use them all -- right now. But that's not always the case. Follow this guide to discovering the skin care regimen that will help you fight aging without overdoing it.

See regimens

Hey! You know what I'm doing right now? Whitening my smile and freshening my breath while supporting my gum and tooth health! Wow, how's that for achieving alot before the day really gets going!

I have been sampling and enjoying the Evora Plus probiotic mint and its' delicious. They also make a probiotic breath and tooth cleaner for dogs and cats called Teddy's Pride Oral Care. Awesome.!

Well, don't just take my word for it, visit the website, or read this bit below and then go get some! Who knew it was so easy to help your gums stay healthy?
EvoraPlus™, from Oragenics, is a one-of-a-kind probiotic mint that naturally supports gum and tooth health while freshening breath and whitening teeth.Healthy gums and teeth
EvoraPlus™ probiotic mints naturally support gum and tooth health with the powerful key ingredient of patented Probiora3™ probiotics. These natural resident beneficial bacteria of very healthy mouths set up a “base camp” in the mouth and crowd out the problematic, harmful bacteria.
Learn more about healthy gums and teeth… Fresher breath
The key to beating bad breath is keeping the bad bacteria that inhabit the mouth in check. The blend of beneficial bacteria incorporated into EvoraPlus™ works to balance the population of the periodontal bacteria that create bad breath. By binding to the teeth and deep beneath the gum line, the beneficial bacteria work to inhibit and exclude the destructive bacteria from overpopulating and creating imbalances in the mouth.
Learn more about naturally fresher breath… Naturally whitens teeth
Remember: you are beautiful!Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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