
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day of prayer for the Gulf States by Governors

**I am so excited about a day of prayer and fasting! Join me! I dare ya!

Emergency Prayer Alert: Gulf State Governors Call for Prayer Tomorrow—SUNDAY

From the desk of Steve Shultz:

It is extremely rare that governors of any state, much less all the gulf states, agree in prayer and call for a day of fasting for a problem—even a SET of problems that they cannot solve. Not only is this oil spill unstoppable by man, but a harsh weather system may be headed for the Gulf which would cause further damage.

The oil must be stopped and beyond that, a tropical depression would cause man to halt all of their own efforts for up to two weeks. Please join with the governors in these gulf states in a day of prayer and fasting.

The Chavdas wrote a recent article on the Gulf Oil Spill ( that my good friend James Goll shared on his website as well. I found it interesting that James shared this concerning Bob Jones: "I talked with Seer Prophet Bob Jones and he stated that the Lord showed him in 1997, that after Oral Roberts would go home to be with the Lord, there would be an oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that only the "thumb of God" could stop."

As the Chavdas shared in their recent article: "We want to call forth the merciful thumb of God to be released to plug that hole in Jesus Name!"

You may read about the governors calling for prayer and fasting—TOMORROW, SUNDAY—by following this news link:

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