
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kymaro: Fix My Roots! Or: color a toddler's hair
Editors' Can't-Live-Without Summer Beauty Faves

Total Beauty's Editors Share Their Warm Weather Beauty Picks

Editors' Can't-Live-Without Summer Beauty Faves

This is a beauty products article

See what these gals have to say about which makeup, skin care and hairstyling products are their summer must-haves.

See products

There he is! My lil'piece of Heavenly goodness! Now we have been talking this summer about coloring his hair: he wants it Sonic Blue and I say no. Then he wants it shocking white blonde, and I say no. We meet in the middle with testing this product that came to the blog. A special thank you to Kymaro for sharing this product "Fix My Roots" with me because I too have gone way too long between hair colorings and have alot of growth but no time to get the color done. Until...this! I tested it on me and it worked well. But to really see the product work: enter my model Noah soon to be Kindergartener.

He has dark blonde hair naturally. So we tested the Platinum Blonde "Fix My Roots" by coloring all of the hair from the bangs over the crown and to the back of his head. I also wiped the mascara like wand covered in a fresh slick of product over the sideburn area of his hair. We are afterall on our way out to dinner and if we are going to funky up his hair, it has to be done right.

Next we pick a color to tip the ends of the Platinum Blonde section of his hair. He still wants blue, and that didn't come in the sample so he decided on the Fire Red.

Look at the photo, the Platinum Blonde covered his naturally dark blonde hair enough to appear light, and then there is a vibrant mix of the Fire Red and it really stands out.

We did dry it slightly with the hair dryer per the instructions; the only drawback is it's supposed to last til you wash your hair and his only lasted through a dinner and play session. Could it be the sweat? The rough housing? The humidity in my normally dry Arizona weather?

Or is it that the colors we chose didn't match his natural color and that's why the effect wore off quicker?

Either way, for $20 and a little going a long way, I think this could be worth it as a product for travel and super busy times in life, such as back to school coming up or the holiday season!

Find it here:

Remember: you are beautiful!Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like this post because beauty product always need for specially women
    Platinum hair


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