
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Need a read? Try Brenda Novak WHITE HEAT
Stress-Squashing Tips

Don't compromise your heath and beauty by letting stress get the best of you

Stress-Squashing Tips

This is a health & beauty article

Stressed? Check. Tense? Check? Overwhelmed? Check. Then it might be time to read about some of these tried and true methods like aromatherapy and reflexology to help you chill.

Get tips

Oh the weekend is here! Relax and unplug! That's my goal for this weekend. Totally unplugged? No, not a chance.

Though, since the blog received this amazing charity auction and opportunity to help raise awareness for diabetes research and cure focused work at the Miami based Diabetes Research Institute with best selling author Brenda Novak's new book White Heat; I figured now is as a good a time as ever to sit back, relax and read a book.

Normally I read my bible and mix it up between versions such as the NKJV vs. Amplified and occassionaly the Message version. For fun reading I like finance and business books mixed with biographies of missionaries, visionaries and people who were hard after God's heart.

So this book is going to be a treat and in an area I rarely ever read in. If you would like to know more about the month long charity auction and how you can help do your part: please visit

Enjoy and be safe this amazing holiday weekend!
Remember: you are beautiful!Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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