
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

C.L.E.A.R. skin tips from Paula Begoun
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Hi friends,
Are you enjoying the "guest blogging" ? I hope so! I trust that the "cosmetics cop" Paula Begoun will have some helpful and insightful tips for you to help get your skin in great back to school shape- just right for year book photos too!
Enjoy and remember to tell yourself how beautiful you are! Jesus loves you and so do I!
Back To School C.L.E.A.R. Skin Secrets from Paula Begoun

It’s almost that time of year again, a time when parents are scurrying to buy back to school supplies while teenagers are in pursuit of the perfect outfit for the first day of class. In the mist of all this, teenagers must also contend with stubborn acne, which is exacerbated by the stress of returning to school. To help alleviate some of the tension, below are Acne C.L.E.A.R. Skin Tips from Paula Begoun, skincare expert and bestselling author of Don’t Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me.

•Clean Twice Daily: Use a gentle, water-soluble cleanser to remove excess oil and makeup that lead to clogged pores and dull-looking skin. A cleanser with an antibacterial agent such as triclosan can jump-start the process of killing acne-causing bacteria.
•Leave-On Exfoliant is a Must: Daily use of a well-formulated, leave-on product with salicylic acid (also known as beta hydroxy acid, or BHA) works beautifully to remove dead skin cells that get stuck in pores, mix with excess oil, and lead to breakouts. Salicylic acid also works to reduce the redness from acne and provides an additional antibacterial punch, getting you that much closer to clear, super-smooth skin!
•Eradicate Acne-Causing Bacteria: After exfoliating, apply a lightweight anti-acne product that’s medicated with benzoyl peroxide. This topical disinfectant is genius at quickly eliminating the bacteria that leads to the acne you don’t want! Apply your benzoyl peroxide product to breakout-prone areas—don’t spot treat only the acne you see now! Doing so means you’ll end up chasing acne all over your face, which is frustrating.
•Avoid Heavy Moisturizers: If you have oily skin, do not use moisturizer, even if it’s oil free! Your face is already producing an excess amount of oil and there is no need to add more. If you have dry areas, apply a lightweight, gel-textured moisturizer for soothing relief or opt for a serum, especially great to prep skin for makeup.
•Remove Surface Pimples: Need to pop that prominent blemish fast before your date? You can do it in three easy steps. First, cleanse skin and pat dry. Next, using the flat of your fingertips (not your nails) place your fingers on the edge of the swelling. The final step is to gently push down and in on the swelling. If that doesn’t release the contents the first time, change the positioning of your fingers and try again. If that doesn’t work, you are done. REMEMBER, never scratch, itch or burn your pimple! What else to avoid? Toothpaste! You’ll read that this works great to eliminate a stubborn pimple, but in fact it can make matters worse by causing excess irritation.
Remember: you are beautiful!Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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