
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dr. Perricone, Forever Young and me in a lab coat
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Here I am drinking some HINT water and enjoying the last chapter of Foreve Young by Dr. Nicholas Perricone M.D.

This was such an easy read and so enjoyable! I learned alot! I already knew that though I love the Cheetoh, it's not the healthiest choice for me.

The science of nutrigenomics and how to eat for glowing, wrinkle free skin was made even easier to absorb with the recipes in the back of the book! Now, I personally test everything that comes to the blog, so after reading the book I had to test a recipe. Of course Dr. Perricone recommends some salmon, but I just can't gag it down. But! Alas! I tried the Crisp Escarole-Watercress salad with Garlicky Anchovy Dressing.

Oh yeah baby...I ate the anchovy because it's loaded in youth energizing wrinkle busting skin firming DMAE. Actually, it was quite tasty! Pick up your copy off Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or wherever you buy your books! p.s. This makes a great holiday gift!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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