
Monday, March 28, 2011

Geraldine Ferraro-beauty,brains and forerunner 13 Beauty Blunders Your Interviewer Will Notice

Don't commit these beauty no-nos at your next interview

13 Beauty Blunders Your Interviewer Will Notice

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Hello Gorgeous,

It was announced this weekend that former vice presidential candidate and first woman to do so Geraldine Ferraro passed away. In my opinion, she paved the way for Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. I quote :Alex Eichler of The Atlantic Times – Sun Mar 27, 10:42 am ET "Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to be nominated for national office by a major political party, passed away on Saturday, from complications related to multiple myeloma. She was 75. Ferraro made history in 1984, when, as a Queens Congresswoman, she accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president and joined Walter Mondale in his attempt to unseat President Ronald Reagan. Mondale and Ferraro's campaign would end in historic defeat--Reagan won 49 out of 50 states that year, and received more electoral votes than any presidential candidate before or since--but Ferraro's presence on the ticket was nonetheless groundbreaking. "

Well said Alex. She was beautiful in many ways and for her service to my country, I thank her! Though, I definately would have put a different hair style on her and applied more eye cream. God rest your soul Mrs. Ferarro!

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