
Friday, March 25, 2011

Shapeez winner announced! Plus Thank God it's Friday!

Hello Gorgeous! Thank God it's Friday! I love the weekend and there is much a foot and fancy for me these next few days; so this cat photo pretty much sums up how I feel!

So let's get down to brass tacks and business:

1. Congrats to the Shapeez winner from this week's blog giveaway-you know who you are because you got the email from me saying pick your product. Enjoy it hunny!

The very beautiful, graceful, and timeless beauty Elizabeth Taylor has gone on to Glory. Wow, she was such a class act! She never stopped loving, was a true friend, took risks, and left behind her a living legacy and body of work. I have a gift set of her fragrance White Diamonds that the blog received this Christmas and now I don't want to use it-feels like a collectors item! It smells so good too!

Finally-in the greater Phoenix area I have 3 in store prom makeup demonstrations that are free for ladies who need some beauty and style help. Stay tuned for exact times...

Also, I have room on the schedule for 2 more prom clients-so if you are looking for a flawless airbrushed makeup application for this high school memory maker, please email me for dates and rates.

Now, as for the rest of you...I appreciate your support and I'll see you around Phoenix sometimes soon! Wear sunscreen!

Ingredients That Clog Pores

Find out which commonly used ingredients in beauty products actually cause comedones (AKA the dreaded blackheads)

Ingredients That Clog Pores

This is a skin care article

We talked to celebrity makeup artist Terri Apanasewicz to find out which comedogenic ingredients you should watch out for when buying products. Here's what she had to say …

See tips

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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