
Saturday, July 9, 2011

WEN Sweet Almond Mint by Chaz Dean cleansing conditioner
Your Summer Makeup Questions Answered

With summer comes great weather and great makeup concerns. Don't fret, we have your answers here

Your Summer Makeup Questions Answered

This is a makeup article

We took your most pressing makeup questions -- from how to keep it from melting to the best colors for summer -- and got them answered by celeb makeup artist Chantal Moore. She's worked with Jennifer Garner, Kristen Bell, and now you!

Grab her tips

Hello gorgeous and oh be still my beating heart!

I love this stuff!

I washed my hair with it after being out all day at the Mesa Sunsplash waterpark.

I had a head full of sun dried, chlorinated hair-I put in the recommended 20 pumps-scrubbed it around and let it sit for 5 minutes.

It washed out and gave me shiny, soft, loose tousled curls and oh did I feel like a supermodel!

I did not lose very much hair either-which is interesting because normally I shed an entire cat sized hair ball when I wash my hair.

The product says it is sulfate free making it safe for my colored hair (John Frieda foaming color in 4N)

Here is the main website for the product with more about the creator Chaz Dean (

and you can get a discount on the product at this link:

If you know of somewhere else to buy the product-comment so we can get it there too!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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