
Friday, August 5, 2011

Heidi Klum and her new fragrance SHINE
Beauty Tricks That'll Help You Get a Promotion

Money may be tight, but that doesn’t mean bosses aren't handing out any title and salary bumps. Read these sneaky ways to get noticed now

Beauty Tricks That'll Help You Get a Promotion

This is a beauty tips article

Asking for a promotion is tough -- especially when the economy is looking like it may dip into another recession. But before you give up all hope of a promotion and raise, take heart. Here are the beauty tips that'll make your boss want to say yes to your request.

See tips

Hey Gorgeous-just in time as summer is ending and school is beginning-a new scent to mark your begining!
Super model and mom Heidi Klum who is also on Project Runway has a new addition to her resume: fragrance designer!
Stay tuned...a product review and details on how to get your Shine on will be coming real soon!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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