
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Clean & Clear morning face wash for Fall weather tranistions and skin
13 Acne-Causing Bad Habits

You won't believe which seemingly little things are causing your acne to flare up

13 Acne-Causing Bad Habits

This is a acne article

Think you're doomed to deal with adult acne just because you got a few bad genes? Not so fast. If you were born with acne-prone skin, you may have developed some zit-causing habits that are making your skin worse. And even if you’re a lucky one and only have to deal with the occasional breakout, you'll also want to know -- and avoid -- these 13 bad skin habits.

See habits

Hello Gorgeous!
This bright yellow and aromatherapeutic face wash is perfect for helping your skin transition from hot, humid, sunny and sunscreen covered skin into a different kind of dry winter air, or humid rainy conditions and most of all-winter skin. The Fall season brings transitions and have a bottle on hand to help you, help your skin!
I like mine for days of wearing alot of makeup to help prep the skin. It's great if you are active and do alot of sweating in zumba class-or doing road miles like me! Clean and Clear is an affordable line and can be found at Walmarts, Targets, CVS, Rite Aids and Walgreen's alike! Learn more by visiting their website:

Finally! Remember to follow @Cherelynn on Twitter for the upcoming Twitter Party of live blogging from the Phoenix Fashion Weed starting on October 6th! Gifts given away to followers who tweet along in our Twitter party!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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