
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Brenda Novak's new book is a 'can't put down' read! IN CLOSE
8 Tips to Repair Your Damaged Hair STAT

Dried, fried hair is out. Healthy, glossy hair is in. See how to repair your damaged hair with these tips

8 Tips to Repair Your Damaged Hair STAT

This is a hair care article

When you're all bundled up for winter and your nose is red from the cold, your only redeeming beauty quality is your hair -- if it's glossy, that is. In order to maintain its health and vibrancy, hair needs to be treated and cared for just like the rest of our body. See the expert tips to inject life back into your fried strands now.

See tips

Hello Gorgeous!
I stayed up so late reading- I couldn't pu this book down because of how the story twisted! If you need some entertainment that doesn't require batteries for a long holiday flight or travel-I suggest you try Brenda Novak's new book In Close. If that doesn't do it for you the "Heat" series will!

Visit the author's main page to learn more about her, her major fundraising and charity work plus bios on each book!

Happy November and get ready-Thanksgiving is 23 days away! Bring on the gravy!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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