
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tanda Zap-the blue light special of acne clearning
8 Tips to Repair Your Damaged Hair STAT

Dried, fried hair is out. Healthy, glossy hair is in. See how to repair your damaged hair with these tips

8 Tips to Repair Your Damaged Hair STAT

This is a hair care article

When you're all bundled up for winter and your nose is red from the cold, your only redeeming beauty quality is your hair -- if it's glossy, that is. In order to maintain its health and vibrancy, hair needs to be treated and cared for just like the rest of our body. See the expert tips to inject life back into your fried strands now.

See tips

Hello Gorgeous!
I recently tried the Zap by Tanda. It retails for about $50 on their website and also at
I'm a 'once in a while' blemish kind of gal-so I purposely caused a pimple to test this product on.
Perhaps that is why it didn't give me amazing results? I've been reading reviews on and most of them are glowing reports of amazing proportions! Ladies have described that acne cleared up and pimples were gone within 24 hours without irritation, redness or a bump! That's good to read-so I think it's me the user not the product. I did not try any of the Tanda creams-I put the Zap over my freshly waashed skin/pimple and held the bluue light on it for the duration of the buzzing and blue light being on. It's not uncomfortable and has no scent or stinging. So if you are sensitive to acne medications such as benzoyl peroxid or salicylic acid-this may be a good option for you! Remember, with most cosmetic items, it can be returned or exchanged as long as you have your receipt and the box it came in. I think Tanda Zap is worth a try for ladies from teen to perimenopause experiencing hormonal acne late in life.
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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