
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BREAKTHROUGH with Shea Vaughn-2012 must read to jump start your year
What’s Your Best Red Lip Color?

Love the trend but don't think you can pull it off? Find your most flattering red hue now

What’s Your Best Red Lip Color?

This is a makeup article

Wearing red on your lips is probably the sexiest makeup look you can do. It screams, "come hither" and can catch the attention of every warm-blooded male in the room. That is, of course, unless you're wearing the wrong shade. Find out which red hue is right for your skin tone now.

Find your hue

Hello Gorgeous!
If you need some ordered steps like "1,2,3" for how to put your 2012 goals in to action, read this short and easy lifestyle manual by Shea Vaughn.

Here's a wee bit about her, and then below is a video to help jump start you and your goals into living the life you imagined you would! Enjoy!
Shea Vaughn is a fitness expert, wellness coach, author, motivational speaker and a recognized spokeswoman for creating well-being at any age. She has a devoted group of students and clients, helping them all to build strength and flexibility, prevent injuries, “stay in the game” and live more fulfilling lives. Ms. Vaughn is also the founder and CEO of SheaNetics®, a revolutionary East-meets-West lifestyle wellness and exercise practice that delivers a powerful mind-body experience and ignites your potential to look and feel your best on the inside and out.

Shea began her career in health and wellness as a dancer and teacher and later broadened her scope as a fitness instructor and trainer with an impressive resume of program and specialist certifications which include Yoga, Pilates, GYROKINESIS®, Bosu®, Zumba®, Bodypump™, Spinning®, AFFA Group, PTA Global and AEA Aquatic Exercise instruction which are further enhanced by NASM Board Certification as a CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist) and PES (Performance Enhancement Specialist) and an Associate Degree in Applied Science.

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