
Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day weekend & Happy Birthday to George Washington and Abraham Lincolnd
7 Best and Worst Sugar Substitutes

Sugar substitutes can cut out the calories, but are they killing you? Find out which ones to sweeten your tea with here

7 Best and Worst Sugar Substitutes

This is a weight loss diets article

The promise of a shot of sweetness without the calories makes it hard to pass up a pack of Equal or Splenda. But researchers have found that these go-to sugar substitutes can not only make you hungrier, but even cause cancer. Avoid the carcinogenic culprits and stick to the healthful ones with this roundup.

Get facts

Hello Gorgeous and a very Happy President's Day
to you-and a Happy Birthday to George Washington
and Abraham Lincoln.

I've included photos of them as well as a
really neat picture of the Green Bay Packers
stadium as the jets fly over. Take a close look
and enjoy!

Tomorrow-back to the beauty and lifestyle stories!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty givea

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