
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentines Day smiles: make it whiter in 1 hour with Luster
10 New Hairstyle Trends to Try This Year

Ombre tips and faux bobs are so 2011. See the trends that stylists say will rule in 2012

10 New Hairstyle Trends to Try This Year

This is a hairstyles article

If you're itching for a change this season, these new hairstyles will inspire you. Hint: The faux bob gets prettier and the ombre look gets a more natural-looking makeover for 2012. If you're looking to change up your hairstyle this season, read on.

Get trends

Howdy Gorgeous!
Valentine's Day is coming!
How's your smile? Pearly? The Luster Oral Care line of whiteners has an at home treatment that has no tooth sensitivity and is affordable and easy to get! Simply visit your local Walmart, Walgreens, Target or order online from Amazon.

It is minty fresh, easy to use, and with a couple of applications-you too will be smiling brightly with your heart full of love on Valentine's Day!

Now this is really important-I encourage you to make yourself a sticky note right now!

Start showing unconditional, random acts of love and joy to those around you.

In my house, we call it the love cup. When my family gets home from being gone all day the cats are crazy! I tell my son, that we have to fill up the cats love cup with pets and ear scratches while speaking kind words to them. Just like when I get him from school-I need to fill up his love cup.

So I share all of this so that you will take a moment and first, fill up your love cup by encouraging yourself. Say good things about you, to you, because you are crazy amazing! Now-fill up your kids and your pets-those who are immediately around you. Next-move onto your workspace and be sure and fill up the love cups there-and go on, and so on and so forth!

You can do it! We are starting a love revolution-right here, right now! I love you!
I'll start you off with a starter drop in your cup today- I love you! You are beautiful just the way you are! God made you perfectly! I'm thankful you are here!

Now go spread it!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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