
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ladies: Hot flashing? Phyto now! Mesa Arizona beauty workshop shows you how

Ladies-right now-check your hormones. Have you had them checked lately?
How about, do you have these symptoms:

Stubborn belly fat that won't budge
Brain Fog
Hot Flashes

I swear by this Arbonne natural hormone balancing creme.

Green or blue? Phyto or Prolief?

If you are 30 to 40-you are a Prolief, the blue.
40 or over you are the green-Phyto.

Try it. You'll like it and it will help improve your life, significantly.

My friend Tara Overholser sells it-she can get it to you quickly too!

I'm having a makeup workshop next week in Mesa Arizona-if you want to attend the workshop and test it, call me or email.

Cheers to your health!

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