
Friday, July 6, 2012

Neova DNA Damage Control: everyday broad spectrum for the face
9 Biggest Pitfalls at the Health Food Store

You should think twice before throwing that gluten-free, seemingly healthy snack into your cart. See the 9 unhealthiest picks at Whole Foods now

9 Biggest Pitfalls at the Health Food Store

This is a diet article

When I walk into Whole Foods, I feel like I have the grocery store equivalent of a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. I don't check the nutrition label because I assume that everything in the store is healthy. But turns out even health food stores have gluttonous snacks that aren't so great for you and your summer diet. Before your next trip, see which 9 snacks are the unhealthiest picks.

See foods

Hello Gorgeous! I love eye cremes and sunscreens! I've been playing with my sample of the Neova DNA Damage Control Everyday: for the face broad spectrum sunscreen with spf 44. Isn't that funny-it seems odd to me that it's not a 15, or a 30, not quite a 50, but a 44. No matter because the results are good. What I like: it's made in the USA, it's moisturizing, uses zinc oxide for a barrier against sun damage, has a very light scent, dries fairly matte on the skin and my makeup wears nicely over it. Now the package says that the Smart Sunscreen Technology in Neova helps trigger a repair that helps defend against the visible consequences of photo damage. Ok-I've been testing for a week, so I can't accurately comment on that, but I can say-it wears well on long bike rides and runs! It retails online and the price can vary from Amazon's $34 to the other websites ranging up to $46. Shop smart! Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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