
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our Skinny Diet: the easiest diet ever Day 1
Your Worst Summer Skin Problems -- Solved

Don’t just deal with your summer skin woes, fix them with these quick and easy solutions

Your Worst Summer Skin Problems -- Solved

This is a healthy skin article

If your careful and cautious summer skin care routine wasn't enough to save you from sunburn and sunspots, you might be missing some of these crucial skin care tips. We talked to celebrity dermatologist David Colbert, MD, who shares quick and simple fixes for your most pesky skin issues so that you can enjoy the summer sun without the side effects.

See solutions

Hello Gorgeous, I received a lovely sample of the Our Skinny diet shakes and snack bars. Super yummy-though the raspberry lemonade flavor did take some getting used to because it has a slightly thick texture when mixed. I fixed the thickness by adding more water. One of the shakes has a probiotic base to it meaning you are getting your good belly bugs while also having a controlled portion of calories. The wee journal of food tracking and exercise log is really helpful. I admit-I have blown it on some things! So far, the diet is a fun challenge. Learn more and get your own at Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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