
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sebamed: for Olympic swimmer itchy flaky skin

Before you dial-in your usual order of greasy Chinese take-out, try one of these tasty (and healthy!) microwave recipes

8 Healthy Meals You Can Make in a Microwave
This is a diet article
After leaving the office, the last thing you want to do is slave away in your kitchen -- which is why your fridge is decorated with take-out menus and your freezer stocked with Lean Cuisines. But who has time for a home-cooked meal? Surely not you, right? Wrong. If you've got a microwave, you've got the only appliance you need for a quick and healthy meal. Just follow one of these easy recipes that you can actually nuke from scratch.
Hi! Are you and your family watching the Olympics like mine?

 I am so beyond crazy proud of all of the United States of America athletes! Go team USA! Now-as I tri train, I have been in chlorine more than I would like to say-in fact I got a weird rash from my time in the chlorine.

Alas-there is a simple solution:

1. When doing alot of swimming or ever using a public swimming pool-rinse immediately, I mean immediately upon getting out of the water. Using soap would really help.

2.Apply a hydrating skin protectant creme. Now for those who don't like petrolatum, this could make you squeamish. Either a petrolatum or zinc based hydrating barrier can help heal the skin from constant chlorine contact.

Or you can wash with a non soap and alkali free cleanser like Sebamed. It's pH 5.5 for healthy skin and I know many a swimmer who has used it to help their swimmer's itch. It has a very light foam and scent and rinses clean. Trust me-after swimmer's itch, it will feel good.

You can find more about Sebamed by visiting or checking your local boutique retailer. Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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