
Friday, February 8, 2013

TEEN WEEK FINALE with LaDonna Gatlin

Hello Gorgeous! 2013 TEEN WEEK FINALE IS HERE! And is it ever going out on a high note with an interview with award winning hall of fame speaker, singer, and encourager LaDonna Gatlin. I had the most wonderful conversation on the phone with her-I wish you could have all listened in.

We talked about the dire importance of finding and creating a support group-like a tribe, of like minded friends. After all, you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

We talked at length about making a commitment to Jesus Christ, being in His word as much as possible, getting connected with 'safe, sane and helpful' people. And my favorite-taking a special event trip: to get out of your own comfort zone and get a new perspective on how life is lived by others.

As we neared the end of our time together on the phone, I asked her my favorite question I ask at the end of all my interviews: "If you could have one taco to eat all the time, what would it be?" She gave me the best and most surprising answer! LaDonna Gatlin said MATTA'S crunchy beef taco! A #4 plate from MATTA'S on Higley in Mesa Arizona. Now this is  a woman near and dear to my heart because I too order the same thing at the same place when I am in the greater Phoenix area. Enjoy the Q&A below.

I had a few key questions for LaDonna Gatlin who started her career singing with her brothers, Larry Gatlin, Steve Gatlin and Rudy Gatlin in the award winning Gatlin Quartet. She  had to make a choice to take a road less traveled at one point in her life-and it steered her career in a different direction with a unique outcome of success and lessons learned. LaDonna's answer are in the italic after the Makeup University question.

1.  Why family over fame?
LG: Because family is forever.  Fame is fleeting.
2.  How do I stay true to my values?
LG: My faith in God.  He is the only constant in life.
3.  What would I say to aspiring teens?
LG: Be respectful…especially to those who are in authority over you, provided they are safe, sane people.  AND be yourself.  If "yourself" needs a little work, seek counsel from a trusted adult source.

Thank you so much LaDonna for your words of wisdom! A lucky reader is going to get a copy of LaDonna Gatlin's new book "The Song in You: Finding Your voice, Redefining Your Life".

Please follow @ladonnagatlin on Twitter and use #TEENWEEK to comment why you need this book!

To order your copy of the book visit
I highly recommend this book because it is a tool, a shovel, that will help you get your path excavated!

Special thanks to everyone who participated in TEEN WEEK! Thank you to Murad, Exposure Swimwear, MakeUp Matte, Fake Bake, Gloria Safar, Dr. Lance Wallnau, Plumb, JJ Heller, Nicole of Project Inspired, and LaDonna Gatlin.

Get ready for next's going to get even better!

WINNERS of the giveaways-.... you will be contacted by email for your mailing address. Enjoy the prizes and please tweet with #TEENWEEK to @Cherelynn when they arrive and share how you enjoy them!
Remember: you are beautiful!
And finally-let us rock out one more time with one of my favorite songs and all time anthem's to life! You know I always say "all you need in life is Jesus and a Journey song!".

 Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!
Too lazy to hit the gym? This full-body workout gives the term "couch potato" a whole new meaning

How To Get a Great Workout From Your Couch
This is a fitness article
"It's too cold outside for a run," "the gym is too crowded," "I'll do it tomorrow." We all know these oh-so-familar excuses for not working out. Sure, it's so much easier to plop down on the couch after a long day than to lace up those sneakers. But there is finally hope for even the laziest of the lazy gals. We talked to personal trainers, Pilates instructors, and physical therapists who revealed various exercises that can be done on your very own sofa. Get ready to transform your body one episode of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" at a time.

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