
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Kitchen Cure by Mee Tracy McCormick-getting ready to cook my way through her book!

 Hello sweet beautiful Gorgeous one!

It's hump day! Love the commercial with the camel. I'm traveling to Las Vegas-right now, for this week's events with The Stitch Factory. Are you coming? It's free to attend and their is BBQ included! Yummo!

Details here:

My makeup workshop is on Friday September 20, 2-4 pm and I have a TED like talk for you in the evening starting at 6:30 pm.

Click here and RSVP;!speakerseries/c2fo

Now, onto My Kitchen Cure by Mee Tracy McCormick.
You know,I love to eat, love to cook and love a new cookbook. This one is a fun and easy read that is part testimonial of how foods can heal and part recipes.

I am taking on a new challenge. I plan to vlog through the book and the recipes. I loved the movie Julie & Julia and feel inspired to try my own cooking journey.

Stay tuned for those posts to start showing up next week. In the meantime: here's a bit about the book and author:

My Kitchen Cure by Mee Tracy McCormick, an autoimmune cooking expert and Food Makeover Consultant. (p.s. She is gorgeous! Just look at that glowing skin!)

Autoimmune Cooking Expert Mee Tracy McCormick Bio – Author of “My Kitchen Cure” Book and TV Cooking Personality

My Kitchen Cure is a chronicle of Mee’s struggles and eventual victory over the hereditary autoimmune dysfunction which had evolved into a life-threatening health crisis without any effective treatments or cures from traditional medicine. This book is Mee’s story, but My Kitchen Cure is also chocked full of Mee’s strategies. It is a complete how-to guide to living A REAL FOOD LIFE, and using the healing properties of foods to regain control over your health and your life. Having traveled down the REAL FOOD healing path, Mee shows her readers the way – step-by-steap, meal-by-meal, recipe-by-recipe.

My Kitchen Cure is a book about overcoming chronic autoimmune disease, preventing cancer, and transcending a hereditary setup for a life of illness and a diminished existence. My Kitchen Cure is about foods for healing, cooking for cures, and eating your way to wellness. My Kitchen Cure is a book about recovering strength, regaining balance, reclaiming empowerment, and restoring vitality.

Get your copy here! Link!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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