
Friday, October 11, 2013

Me and my mammogram: BCA hits home

Well TGIF to you too Gorgeous!

I went and had a mammogram this week and wanted to share a bit about the experience for those of you who have not gone and done it.

Here is the MOM: Mobile On-Site Mamography. Sure, tis a bit silly to think the boob smasher comes rolling up into town and you go inside for a pinch and a poke. But that's life, isn't it?

As a runner, I have a relatively slow and steady heart beat, it's always impressive to the doctor but today my heart rate was elevated and about 30 points higher than normal. I chalk that up to nerves.

You may be thinking? Nervous? Nervous about what? Well, I felt scared that it would hurt, or have bad news, or be humiliating in some form or another. It takes a few weeks to get the films returned to see if they have anything to report on them, but no need to worry since worry is wasteful.

My experience was absolutely none of those things.  As a quasi clean freak, it was impressively clean in the truck, and the desk clerk was not the nicest gal in the world, but the technician who did all the breast wrangling was kind and efficient. Not too chatty as I stood before the cold metal beast and not insincere either.

 Kudos and snaps to Tory Johnson for posting the bare photo of her in the machine. Afterall, she has made THE SHIFT and is obviously gutsy enough to share a photo taken of her naked from behind while in the machine.

To me it felt like getting the MRI on my calf when the muscle was torn. I could feel something pulsing and buzzing-like a Bruce Banner moment before becoming the Hulk.

So far I have not Hulked out. In fact, I had a large glass of wine ready for when I got home to calm my nerves and ease the pain of the ordeal. Though, actually, there really was not any pain, just cold clamps and once the process started the fear of the whole ordeal subsided.

15 minutes later I was done. No fan fare. No bells or whistles. Not even a high five.  Just a routine mammogram that I am advised to do once a year from hear on out. So here I am next to my former foe which may well turn out to be a friend after all. I'm smirking in the photo. I smirk when I'm nervous.  Stay tuned for next year, perhaps it will be a grin?

P.S. Perhaps my smirk is because normally I wouldn't take a photo without full hair and makeup, and here I am; in nothing but mascara! Oh the horror! Grace grace to me! And you...!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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