
Monday, November 18, 2013

Rock N Roll Marathon Las Vegas: and Blowfish

 Happy Monday Gorgeous!
I am home from the Rock N Roll marathon event in Las Vegas over the weekend. While I was there for the event, so were some friends from out of town, and of course, Las Vegas extended the usual courtesy of great nightlife and entertainment.

Enter, the hangover remedy sample sent to me by Blowfish.

Luckily, this weekend was not like the infamous Bachelorette Party at the Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers concert in Las Vegas.
Instead, it was a great sushi meal, followed by a fun show and of course, some Bachelorette Party Part Deux fruity cocktails, wine and beer.
I am glad I got to try the Blowfish product, though it was a mild imbibing and not the worst hangover ever. Though I had recently traveled, experienced some time changes, traveled some more, was up early, out late and then add in the two glasses of wine and a Purple Hooter Shooter, it was nice to know that I had the Blowfish product ready for the morning.

I woke up a little fuzzy headed, but not too bad, and then dropped the 2 tablets that look an awful lot like Alka Seltzer in to a half bottle of water and enjoyed the lemony flavor.

I had very little sleep, felt pretty good with my tablets and then ventured off to work for a long and busy day.

I think the Blowfish helped. I can't say that it was an epic difference, but then again, this wasn't a tequila night.

So from my experience, it just may help to have on hand for a soirees coming up that are going to involve some libations and possible over imbibing.

Visit Amazon and search for the product by name and read the reviews, those are the reviews that will convince you that this product is one to stock up on!
  • Pain reliever and alertness aid specifically designed to treat hangovers.
  • Effervescent tablets are taken upon waking.
  • Aspirin and caffeine are recognized by the FDA as safe and effective at treating the symptoms associated with a hangover.
  • Contains an antacid to sooth upset stomachs.
  • Lemon flavored
  • Pain reliever and alertness aid specifically designed to treat hangovers.
  • Effervescent tablets are taken upon waking.
  • Aspirin and caffeine are recognized by the FDA as safe and effective at treating the symptoms associated with a hangover.
  • Contains an antacid to sooth upset stomachs.
  • Lemon flavored
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